Just when you thought the “Moneyball” imbroglio was over comes news of yet another piece on the matter, this one apparently from the pages of Vanity Fair.
Will it be a typical, sycophantic, dirt-drudging article by Gene Shalit-look alike Peter Biskind? One thing’s for sure, if it’s a hit piece, it’s not on the former director Steven Soderbergh from the sounds of it. Imagine 5,000 words on this mess? Boner and drooooool.
Here’s what Jeff Wells has to say about it. Or rather, what he’s heard…
A friend confides that Vanity Fair “is doing a story on the Moneyball fiasco.” He doesn’t know who the writer is (I’m inquiring about this now) but says he’s “heard about the article from a friend who was on the project. Should be very interesting. My understanding is that the angle is pro-Soderbergh and will detail how he was screwed over. Screwed by Amy Pascal, Bryan Lourd and, yes, Brad Pitt. Soderbergh was certainly not a creative auteur run amok on the studio’s dime. The email trail from Pascal to Soderbergh makes it very clear that she was fully aware of what the film was and was excited and into it until the end.”
You surely know where our allegiances lie with this one, but we at least hope they try for a fair and balanced piece and they’re simply not shining Soderbergh’s old Oscar. Then again, it’ll be interesting to hear how this one all went down. Are Sony the real bad guys here? Studios generally aren’t the brightest bulbs as 2009 seems to have shown all too acutely. All this news comes at the perfect time since we just got our hands on the official VF cover and oh boy, it’s a good one.
Haaa I'd read that edition in an instant.
I don't know. Since Soderbergh pretty much got left holding the bag on this one and he didn't complain about it publicly, I wouldn't mind seeing a little Vanity Fair Oscar buffing.
Niiiiiice, lol.
please please please….can't wait to hear the real story.
steven was thrown under the bus on this one.
Your VF cover is fake. It was based on the Heath Ledger cover.
Gee, really? You're observant.
"Sarah Palin: Why is she such a retarded whore?"-Are you sure it's a fake cover?
I hate to be a bitch, but i really don't think i got enough props for my photoshop here. i'm very pleased with myself. 😉
Oh my! I love a good pissing match.
And…the cover IS grand!
BTW, i hear that this Vanity Fair/Soderbergh story is fake and is not happening. 🙁
if vanity fair ever wants to have Brad or angelina on the cover of their mag again..they won't do this.
if you only knew anon…