Monday, March 3, 2025

Got a Tip?

‘Michael Jackson’s This Is It’ Doc, Breaks Record, Grosses $12 $4.4 Million In Two Days

In this perverse world, Roman Polanski is a vilified cretin for a crime he admitted to, yet Michael Jackson, who was involved in two child sexual abuse allegations (one that he essentially bought his way out of), is still dubbed a saint. Riiiiiight.

Are you as sick of hearing about “Michael Jackson’s This Is It,” tour documentary as we are [or as least as I am]? The vulture culture surrounding it is nauseating, the hit-baiters covering every second of it are transparent and Jackson himself?

We do not understand why this man is beloved at all. The last decent thing he did musically was Bad and then he essentially became a freak of epic proportions. Did people forget all that after he died? Impugn the living, panegyrize the dead? Something like that?

Still, whether we like it or not, ‘This Is It’ is poised to dominate the box-office this weekend and it’s already started. The film broke a record yesterday grossing $2.2 million in it’s Tuesday night/Wednesday morning release and will have amassed $4.4 million for two days (though somehow Deadline Hollywood has an inflated number of $12 million for two days; apparently rival studios are reporting that foreign sales are “solid,” but “not spectacular”). Now EW says, $7.4 million. It’s like musical chairs out here.

There’s zero box-office competition this weekend and it’s estimated ‘This Is It’ could rake in somewhere between $40 or $50 million, but Sony already paid $60 million up front just for distribution rights. They’ll probably make their money back and then some, death culture is lucrative business especially for an iconic musician (though, really former icon, nothing worth discussing after 1987).

Yes, we’ll have a review in a bit, because we feel somewhat obligated (and one of our people went to a screening), but thank god it wasn’t actually me that had to sit through that thing.

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  1. I've never had problem with a documentary that pays homage to Michael Jackson's music, but much like everyone before him, the moment they die they become untouchable and glorified.

    Worldwide the gross for this will probably be insane. The only thing I really dislike is how his family members have been trying to milk his fame for every ounce of tv time they can get (did you hear the insane Latoya Jackson seeing Michael's ghost story? It just screamed TALK ABOUT ME!!!!).

  2. I'm really looking forward to this…getting a chance to see the man behind the performances is almost as good as going to an actual concert…probably going to pick it up on dvd as well.

  3. go fuck urself asshole mj is a fucking GOd and Ur just some nameless asshole who seeks attention by mentioning thename of the only true legend that ever walked this earth. Rot in hell FAGGGGG!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!

  4. Where else can you find a man that even after his death can sold millions of tickets and get people to watch his "This is it" concert even if he's already gone? Only Michale Jackson can do it… Somehow i miss him… I wish i could turn back time and watch his every show and admire again every performance he make.

  5. PLEASE, do a bit of your homework and read at least the Wikipedia article about Michael Jackson.

    Then you will get to know that he was burnt and therefore became addicted to pain killers.

    If you watch him at Neverland and backstage and read what everyone who dealt with him said about him, you will find out that he was a humble man that wanted the world to be saved and who tried to have some childish joy, throwing paperballs at his co singers, throwing waterbombs at kids or lets himself being shoven into water.

    He was found innocent in both of the cases, if you read closely, you will find out that even the FBI investigated and that the first case was investigated AGAIN and Michael was completely without a shadow of a doubt innocent (and you will find why money was paid at the end of the first process). Both cases became crystal clear without any doubt: the people were lying in order to become rich.

    You will also find out that Michael taunted the media years before with stuff like the Elephant Man's bones and so on – not knowing the the media would take these ridiculous stories seroiusly.

    And you will learn that his operations had to do with a dancing accident, with his emotional pain that had to do with his father and with some of his diseases like lupus.

    A man that did a lot for black and for poor people, a sensitive man with a huge amount of talent, a man that was broken due to all the people that only wanted to get as much money out of him as possible.

    No one is a saint but Michael seemed to be close to someone that one could call a saint.

    The drugs made him look weird, sure but now you know how he became addicted. His late years weren't as great as the years before but that was due to all the garbage that broke him.

    And a Michael Jackson who is past his prime is still better than most other artists.

    Please read this and try to reconsider your yellow press infected thoughts.

    "It's all for love – L.O.V.E."


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