“Arrested Development” movie not-much-of-a-news item #324234234.
So yes, “Youth In Revolt” hits theaters this weekend and obviously that means its star Michael Cera has been in the press a lot this week. And inevitably the “Arrested Development” movie question has come up quite a bit. But so far, there hasn’t been anything very notable said.
However, in this AV Club interview, Cera admits that he kinda was the hold out back in the day and that he was skeptical (or afraid, as he puts it) of ruining the legacy of the original show.
“No, I want to be in the movie. I do. I don’t want to rob anyone. But I love the show. It’s difficult to just say yes to something when… I just had a fear of it taking away from the show. But I got past that, and I’m glad I did, because I really do want to be a part of the movie. I was just afraid. I think that’s okay.”
It’s probably for the best. Tarnish the legacy or not, if Cera somehow decided to not star in the film, surely the obsessive AD fans would have eternally called for his blood and he’d unfortunately be saddled with a snob tag for the rest of his career.
Here’s the best advice: just do it Michael. Keep your head down, take the role, give it your all, take the paycheck and hope for the best. Your only other option is so be screamed at in the streets for the rest of your life. No one wants to be booed or given the stink eye from across the block.
So far no final script exists, blah, blah, blah. Coming… eventually…
he was in Year One and there is no way the AD movie can be worse than that. I think he is fine.
The Michael Cera method of acting:
I usually don´t link shit to make my own point, but that´s right on the money.