In case you forgot, Mark Millar is the creative consultant on the Marvel movies at 20th Century Fox, and especially compared to Kevin Feige, has absolutely no filter. Where Feige carefully parses his statements, Millar walks around dropping truth bombs, and he’s got a few to start your Monday morning.
Regarding "Fantastic Four," the fantastic flop that dropped with a splat in August, Millar reveals that there is still no word on a potential sequel, which is still on the release calendar for 2017. “I think everything’s open to discussion. No decision has been made on anything yet like that. There’s chats everyone’s going to have on the phone at some point," he told IGN. As for his feelings on Josh Trank‘s movie, he says "it’s a shame" how it all turned out, though he adds that "elements of it were good."
However, Millar notes that not everything turns out to be a home run. "Marvel doesn’t always work out great: ‘Thor 2‘ didn’t work out especially well; ‘Iron Man 2‘ didn’t work. But then ‘Iron Man 3‘ comes along and it’s great. These things can be uneven sometimes. ‘Avengers 2‘ is nowhere near as good as ‘Avengers 1.’ There’ve been 45 superhero movies or something over the last 15 years. They can’t all work out fantastically," he said. "I’d say the hit rate has actually worked out terrifically compared to most genres."
Meanwhile, Millar is also looking at the brewing "Kingsman: The Secret Service" sequel, and in particular, how they’re going to bring back Colin Firth‘s character. And man, it really sounds like they are working through some godawful ideas. "…if you are bringing him back, it has to make sense. That’s where it is at at the moment. Beats of the story have been done. [Screenplay co-writers] Matthew [Vaughn] and Jane [Goldman] are working on it at the moment," he told the site. "Some things have to be worked out, some decisions have still to be made and everything, so it’s all fairly amorphous, but all going well."
READ MORE: Matthew Vaughn Says He’s Writing The ‘Kingsman’ Sequel And May Direct
"It’s funny because there’s a lot of conversations like that, like should he have an evil brother, Colin with a mustache? Or is he a ghost or whatever? The guys have a plan. I can’t spoil it just now because the final decision is still to be made. It’ll be good," Millar added. Sheesh, it better be a lot more inspired than those half baked ideas tossed out there.
Millar always stokes a few good debates, so be sure to share your thoughts on his latest comments below.
"My movie sucked, but look at those other great films who weren\’t quite as good as their predecessors…" Dude – 8% on Rotten Tomatoes for FF4 and 74% for Ultron – do the math genius. Oh, and welcome to the crap machine that is the Fox "creative" team.
Now he just sounds like a sour loser
These movies always kill off the mentor character and, in this case, Colin Firth and Samuel L. Jackson were the only stars in the movie.
Kingsman sucked, but Millar\’s ideas for the sequel sound even worse. That\’s some kind of strange accomplishment.
He also seems to be forgetting that his very own kickass 2 was nowhere near as good as kickass 1 …
Iron man 2 and Thor 2 were amazing. Wow. Whiplash, Cursed beastful villains
He\’s doing whatever he can to distract from the fact that Feige has completely outperformed him in their similar roles.
He less walks around speaking the truth, more walks around with no filter between whatever passing thought pops into his head and his mouth. Some of what he says is true, some is utter BS.
Man, "Iron Man 2" always gets raked through the coals. I thought it was under-rated and a lot of fun.
Head shots don\’t always kill. Kingsman 2 has many options for bringing back Colin Firth\’s Galahad character. Some could really be good, without stretching credulity, and with an actor of Firth\’s range, be both plausible and brilliant.
Most people in the movie business lie through their teeth, it`s actually refreshing to hear someone just say it like it is for a change.
And Iron Man 2, Thor 2, and ESPECIALLY Avengers 2 are nowhere near the magnitude of an across-the-board flop like Fantastic Four. He sounds like he\’s making up excuses for Fox\’s blatant overstepping of control.
Mark Millar: the worst
It\’s easy to forget, but if Millar had his way we\’d be seeing Wanted 2.