Monday, March 10, 2025

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Lucasfilm Denies Pausing Development Of Spin-Offs And Says “Multiple” Films Are In The Works

Okay, so the theme of today’s “Star Wars” news is “moving on.” After months of “Star Wars” discussions on social media devolving into name-calling and hyperbole, it appears that both fans and Lucasfilm are afraid to move on.

Let’s start with Lucasfilm. After yesterday’s reports of the various ‘Star Wars Story’ spin-off films being put on hold, it appears that maybe that’s not the case, after all. According to ABC News, who is subsequently owned by Disney, who also owns Lucasfilm, those reports were “inaccurate” and the studio is developing “multiple” films in the franchise outside of those already announced. Basically, they are saying the long-rumored “Boba Fett” and “Obi-Wan” films are still in the works.

After the news of Lucasfilm canceling those films, many fans were actually happy. It had felt like the studio realized these spin-offs aren’t the direction that many people want to see them go, and maybe Lucasfilm was moving on from the whole ‘Star Wars Story’ brand that has resulted in one major hit and one major disappointment. However, that doesn’t seem to be the case at all.

The next bit of news involves ‘The Last Jedi’ (groan). Yes, we thought that the controversy surround ‘Solo’ would be enough for fandom to move on from December’s “Star Wars” film. But here we are, 7 months later, still debating this film.

A twitter user by the name of RMtheLastJedi stated that not only do they want to remake ‘The Last Jedi,’ but they also claim (lol) to have producers who are willing to spend the money to make that happen (you know, just a cool $200 million lying around, no big deal).. No, we’re not kidding. This is actually a thing.

“Our team of producers is offering to cover the budget for a remake of The Last Jedi in order to save Star Wars. Share this and spread the word to let @RobertIger & @Disney know you want this! This isn’t a joke, we’re ready to have the convo now!” tweeted the user.

You see, they’re doing this out of the kindness of their hearts to “save” the franchise. And how do they plan on going about saving “Star Wars?” Crowdsourcing, naturally.

“We will be consulting with Star Wars fans directly throughout the writing of the remake of The Last Jedi as the plan is to make a version of TLJ that is as close to universally accepted as possible! (You’ll never please everyone, but at least it wouldn’t be blasphemy),” they continued. “Iron sharpens iron and the best writing comes from a group of people who have differing opinions but can constructively work together for the best story possible. Not just one writer sitting in a room thinking whatever pops into their head is the best idea ever.”

It’s very difficult to read those tweets and seriously believe that whoever wrote the statement is being sincere. Or could they be that stupid? Do they honestly believe Disney would read that and say, “You know what? Those nameless, faceless people are willing to save us! Let’s give them the rights!” Ugh.

That doesn’t even take into consideration the fact that they want to crowdsource the script from a variety of different fans and consider single writers to be the devil. They must have really hated ‘A New Hope,’ which only had one director and one writer, who happened to be the same person – George Lucas. Excuse me, while I throw myself in front of a bus.

Now, you may be wondering what ‘The Last Jedi’ director AND writer (how dare he!?) Rian Johnson has to say about this plan. Well, the filmmaker retweeted the original message and said, “please please please please pleeeeeeeaaaase please actually happen please please please please please ??????????????????????????”

On second thought, I’m with Johnson. Let’s let these guys do their best and see what happens. It couldn’t be worse than those Prequels, right? HEY-OH!

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  1. FUN FACT – Lucas was the only credited writer. He hired Gloria Katz & Willard Huyck to do a polish right before production. They mostly focused on dialog and characterization. The banter that everyone knows and loves came from them.


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