Wowing audiences at Venice, Telluride and TIFF, Alfonso Cuaron‘s space thriller “Gravity” will soon dock in theaters and while much attention has been given to impressive visuals, and nail biting tension, there is another element we’re sure is going to start getting some buzz. Namely, the score by Steven Price.
If you haven’t heard of him, don’t kick yourself too hard, as he’s still on the rise, with only two major composer credits to his name, but they both seem like appropriate precursors to this gig: he’s tuned up Joe Cornish‘s “Attack The Block” and Edgar Wright‘s “The World’s End.” But it’s with “Gravity” where he’ll really break through, providing some truly nerve-rattling work to along with the peril we see on screen, along moments of quiet beauty. It’s some great stuff all around.
The “Gravity” soundtrack arrives on October 1st, with the movie dropping on October 4th. Listen below and also check out three TV spots for the flick. [Wired]
When it went up on iTunes last night, I hit the Buy button 10 seconds into my first sample. I get chillbumps from it and I haven't even seen the movie yet.