One of the areas we try to stay on top of — in addition to cinema, TV, music, politics, premium vodkas and occasionally feeding our children — is the increasingly populous category of film-related podcasts. We have our own whole section dedicated to the form, but are always on the lookout for new programming that can combat the boredom of a commute or make a workout fly by (ok fine we have no idea about the latter but it’s a thing that people say). Recently, we discovered Pop Culture Confidential, hosted by Swedish journalist, news producer and now podcaster Christina Jeurling Birro, and were very taken with her issues-and-interviews-based approach. So when Christina asked our own Jessica Kiang to come on the podcast and talk through some of our recent features and festivals coverage, she jumped at the chance.
That episode is now live and embedded below — it begins with a great interview with Roger Ross Williams, director of Sundance hit documentary “Life, Animated” and segues into Jess and Christina’s wide-ranging chat, that takes in Trump, the art vs artist debate, Venice highlights/lowlights and more, from about the 18 minute mark. Give it listen below, or head over to the Pop Culture Confidential website for prior episodes with less glamorous interviewees like, oh say, Cynthia Nixon, Paul Feig, Mark Ruffalo, Susan Sarandon and more.