SPOILERS If you have not seen “Star Wars: The Last Jedi” do not read this piece with Mark Hamill discussing some of the major events of the movie. Repeat, if you have not seen “Star Wars: The Last Jedi,” turn around right now and come back when you’ve seen the movie, got it? Yes? For real? For sure? Great. Here we go. SPOILERS
READ MORE: ‘Star Wars: The Last Jedi’ Has The 2nd Biggest Box Office Opening Of All Time
Rian Johnson’s “Star Wars: The Last Jedi” is bold, risk-taking and sometimes pushes “Star Wars” fans outside their comfort zone. It might not be for everyone (you can hear my personal thoughts on this podcast), but it’s clear that it’s not only connected with millions of fans, it’s making insane box office money.
One of the film’s boldest moves—final spoiler, final spoiler, final spoiler— is the death of Luke Skywalker and the way that death is a subversion of passing, compared to the fate of what happened to Han Solo in “The Force Awakens.”
“I had huge hesitance,” Johnson told EW about his choice to end the life of one of the most iconic character to ever hit the screen. “I was terrified. It was a growing sense of dread when I realized this was going to make sense in that chapter.”
You might have already seen Mark Hamill’s thoughts about his role in “Star Wars: The Force Awakens.” The actor still truly feels that Luke Skywalker should have tried to intervene in the death of Han Solo and he clearly has some feelings of ownership of the character (as he rightly should).
READ MORE: Mark Hamill Says ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ Was Trying To Mimic The Original Trilogy
“Well, I’m still in denial,” Hamill joked, but still feeling genuine pangs of grief. “I just think he transported somewhere else.” Johnson added with a laugh, “Modern day New York. That was my favorite theory we had.”
When Hamill read the script he was taken aback. “The first thing I said was, ‘Can’t you wait and do this in Episode IX?’” Hamill admitted.
From a narrative perspective, Johnson explained, Luke’s departure was organic to the story. “I think the hero’s journey of Luke Skywalker concluded in ‘Return of the Jedi.’ This [trilogy] is the hero’s journey of Rey, and Finn, and Poe,” he said. “The [ongoing] story of Luke is one that has to play in tandem with that of Rey.”
Could Luke return as a Force ghost in J.J.Abrams’ next “Star Wars” installment as many fans are already asking? “I’m just still holding on to the line, ‘See you around, kid.’” Hamill said. “I can be in Episode Nine! I might consider catering the film just so I can hang out.” [EW]
While it may be great that they’ve decided to make it a different hero’s journey, one thing they forgot that’s essential is making the audience feel some empathy for the main characters. Luke’s journey was an adventure fraught with twists and turns the audience was engaged along with. Honestly I didn’t feel anything for Rey, Kylo, Poe, or Finn, which means I’ll probably take a pass on episode IX.
But how could anyone not feel anything for Rey, Kylo, Poe or Finn? These characters hit the screen (in Episode VII) as solid as Luke, Leia and Han hit the screen in Episode IV, if not more.
The passing of Luke here is one very moving moment. Startling, even.
As any fans of the first Star Wars trilogy would somehow come to the conclusion by 2017, the old Force has failed us. For the saga to move on and to find a resonance in the real world, a new Force is imminent.
I, for one, look forward very much to Episode IX.
Haven’t yet seen this one, but Finn was more or less a bank cipher in the 1st one.