Sunday, October 27, 2024

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Lars Von Trier Evidently Challenges Martin Scorsese To Redo ‘Taxi Driver’ Ala The ‘Five Obstructions’

So will Martin Scorsese be remaking “Taxi Driver” in the style of Lars Von Trier’s documentary, “The Five Obstructions” as reported over the weekend by Danish magazine, Echo?

Many asked with major hopefulness and enthusiasm if this project could actually happen. But Variety has the real report. What actually happened in Berlin during the Berlin Film Festival — which Scorsese is at for “Shutter Island” — is that Lars Von Trier challenged the filmmaker in the style of “The Five Obstructions.” Or at least Variety says, “at least for the time being, [this] appear to be true.” But we’d surely buy that before we’d believe that the duo had already agreed to this.

In Von Trier’s 2003 ‘Obstructions’ doc (one of our personal favorites of his work), he challenged fellow Danish filmmaker Jørgen Leth to make five short films with impossible impediments in front of each setting him up to fail each time. It’s a fascinating picture in that Von Trier clearly idolizes Leth, but at the same time, puts him through veritable hell; it’s likely his twisted way to show affection. Apparently “there will be a statement coming shortly,” from Lars Von Trier’s camp.

So it’s a cute idea, but apparently Von Trier has challenged both Scorsese and Robert DeNiro to remake this film with some obstacles in the way. It’s an amusing thought, but we’ll bet you $5 trillion dollars when this idea makes its way to Marty he will chuckle and that’ll be as far as it goes. He’s a busy man. He’s getting old and life is short. He’s not going to be tortured or subject to Von Trier’s ideas even if he’s challenged (and DeNiro? Shit, he’ll just hear this idea and scowl and never give it a second thought).

So yeah, fun to think about, but keep dreaming and if it did happen, it wouldn’t be a full 0n remake like most are positing (who haven’t probably seen ‘Obstructions’ and understand its concept). In “The Five Obstructions,” Leth essentially “remade” his 1967 film “The Perfect Human” as five little short films (one of the challenges was remaking the film in 12 frames or less) and it’s some that could ideally be banged out quickly in a few months if it indeed did happen (good luck including DeNiro in this).

But Scorsese is tied up for the next couple years and DeNiro’s not getting any younger. The filmmaker still has the kids film, “The Invention Of Hugo Cabret,” his long-awaited 17th century Jesuit Priest drama, “Silence” that was set to star Daniel Day-Lewis, Benicio Del Toro and Gael Garcia Bernal, then a mob project with Robert De Niro, either called, “The Irishman” or “”I Heard You Paint Houses.” Plus there’s also a George Harrison documentary and a Frank Sinatra film. Don’t hold your breath.

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  1. An important part of "The Five Obstructions" as I recall is that Lars believes "The Perfect Human" to be a "perfect film." Thus, his challenge is in what way will his "obstructions" make it imperfect. That's the crux of the catharsis the movie reaches at its end.

    But I only mention this to wonder out loud: Does Lars think "Taxi Driver" is a "perfect film"? That would be interesting, and I would disagree, but a fun thought nonetheless.

  2. Hmm, interesting. I'll have to seek out Obstructions as I'm not familiar with it. But to me, it sounds like DeNiro would not have to be involved necessarily, depending on what the specific challenges for Scorsese end up being, so that I wouldn't say this will never happen based solely on DeNiro's availability or lack of interest or anything of that sort.

    For instance, these being 5 short films, perhaps DeNiro is only needed for one of them (maybe just 3-4 days work), and given the scheme it's okay that he looks a lot older. Maybe for another only a new DeNiro voiceover with animation…Another could focus on those affected by Bickle's decisions (a grown up Jodie Foster)and so on…

    Of course if a challenge is to recast Bickle for a segment, I'd love to see Ben Foster in the mohawk!

  3. Yeah, it's true DeNiro wouldn't have to necessarily involved. We're just trying to temper those "Remake!" reports which are obviously far off base cause people will be picturing an entire re-do which would certainly not be the case.

    and yes, Obstructions is awesome. See it.


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