Just as every studio head on Monday morning was surely ordering their underlings to go find the next "Fifty Shades Of Grey," the same happened when it became clear that "Twilight" was going to be a phenomenon in 2008. We’ve already seen several YA series go for that audience ("The Hunger Games," "Divergent," "The Maze Runner") while others have failed ("Beautiful Creatures," "The Mortal Instruments"), and while the young leads in all the franchises have diversified their CV’s, the actors of "Twilight" (probably because they were first) have unfairly had a harder time shaking whatever stigma has been attached to them for their work in the vampire saga. But Kristen Stewart has no time for the haters.
In an interview in, um, Interview, punk-rock legend Patti Smith complements her interviewee’s efforts in the "Twilight" movies. "I loved your work in those films. I thought the commitment of everyone in those films was true. Like ‘The Hunger Games’ —if you accept the world that you’re entering, and if the people deliver that world, that’s what we’re looking for," Smith said.
"…it was a long process, so it’s hard to generalize about it as a whole. It wasn’t entirely cohesive. We ebbed and flowed. I will definitely acknowledge that," Stewart responded. "But the intention is so fucking pure in a weird way. Anybody who wants to talk shit about ‘Twilight,’ I completely get it, but there’s something there that I’m endlessly, and to this day, fucking proud of. My memory of it felt —still feels— really good."
Stewart says the film is part of the continuum of her career. "Every movie that I’ve done, they don’t stand independently from one another because a little bit of me is in every single one of those, and it’s part of my own personal growth. I don’t think that there’s much hiding that actors can do," she explained. "If you’re doing good work, you’re showing a part of yourself to someone, so I can’t say that ‘Twilight’ doesn’t have anything to do with ‘Still Alice‘ and ‘Sils Maria.’ They have everything to do with each other. They are who I am."
Meanwhile, Smith has nothing but praise and admiration for Stewart and the art of acting in general. "…I would say that of all the arts, acting is the most grueling, thankless. Never apologize for your work. If people don’t accept the ‘Twilight’ series for what it is, well, fuck them," she states. "Millions of people loved that series. It gave them something. It said something about love and honor. And acting is a really hard job. It’s not a romantic job. I’ve watched the hours in makeup, hours sitting around waiting for the lights, or because you lose your light, or it starts to rain or whatever. And you feel like shit or you have a migraine, but you have to do it, 12, 13 hours a day."
"What will remain 20, 30 years from now— all those people and their snarky comments and their projections will be forgotten— but if your work continues to grow and you do great work, that’s what will be remembered," Smith added. "It’s all about work in the end. And you’re not a bit behind. You have learned a lot of technical things, a lot of disciplines. And you can apply everything that you’ve learned from one genre into another."
From one legend to an actress with a long, promising road ahead…be sure to read the their talk in full right here.
Twilight is the final summary of Courtly ?Romantic Love which was the template for the western world – and only the western world – for 800 years.As Nietzsche has sad something major can only be analyzed and described completely when it is finished,over.The pill came in 50 years ago and changed our rituals for attraction,love,courtship,betrothal and marriage and children.Twilight summarizes the finished ritual and Rob and Kristen portrayed Tristan and Yseult perfectly.
If only she could stop using "f*ck" all the time (at least in most interviews I\’ve seen), makes me cringe. I\’ve read the whole interview, interesting and nice to read, but I agree with people here about that "retarded" word, intentional or not, it\’s not the first time she put her foot in her mouth and that word is offensive. She seems to be talking about twilight a lot recently, at least it makes news a lot and it\’s weird that people are making such a big deal out of it. I think that the whole cast is very grateful for Twilight, yes, even Pattinson, contrary to popular belief, I\’ve seen plenty of interviews with him where he showed his appreciation for it and the fans, yet it is completely overlooked and the media push the story that he hates it and is ungrateful, but when Stewart says something positive it is big news. Twilight is over, fortunately, move on people, it doesn\’t define those actors, especially that they seem to be doing quite well outside of it. And these fan "wars" are so embarrassing, both Stewart and Pattinson work hard to be taken seriously…some fans seem to be their worst enemy.
Someone had to be eventually, to no surprise it\’s her.
Interesting interview. These fan "wars" are dumb and I shouldn\’t have engaged the crazies
I don\’t understand his fans still frothing over the mouth about her. No one is making excuses for her saying retarded, it\’s trashy to say that. However, it\’s not even brought up in this article and you are acting like she boiled a puppy.
Ha. Pattinson straight up talked about middle aged women behind computers. Dude has snarked on Twilght so much Buzzfeed made a supercut and if you think saying a book sounds like an author\’s wetdream isn\’t disrespectful I don\’t think you are capable of reason in relation to him. It also seems like the poster is right and you are a hardcore Pattinson fan. I don\’t get trolling this article then. I\’m not a Shia LaBeouf fan and I don\’t make a point to remember articles he did as a teen and troll things about him because that\’s crazy. There\’s a difference between snark and dislike and being crazy and you are the latter. You do realize that Pattinson and Stewart ended their showmance years ago so why are you still trolling articles about her
Really good interview, great idea to have Patti interview her. I like that she never trashes Twilight but is nothing but grateful for it and the opportunities it afforded her. I have seen a couple of her new movies and she is brilliant in them, if she continues making good career choices she\’ll go far. I am truly rooting for her.
To those that bring up irrelevant points from years ago, if you don\’t like the actress, stop reading articles about her. Simple as that.
No, she didn\’t say it about "fans jumping her," she said it in reference to fans who were lined up on the road outside of the location where they were shooting in Oregon. It\’s on video. The reporter asked her about what she thought of them, gathering to watch the filming (or what they could of it), and she responded by saying they were "really retarded." I can\’t believe the way her fans try to make excuses for this kind of behavior. And she\’s still using the word, 7 years later. There is no excuse for using that word, it\’s trashy.
But she\’s still using that offensive word, in 2015, so it shows she hasn\’t changed. Sounds likes she\’s still just as immature as she was back then. And Kristen is the one who used the word "psychotic," in a 2009 Nylon magazine interview, not Pattison. He\’s never disrespected fans. He admits that the source material is weird, and since it was based on a dream that the author had, and reads like a wish-fullfillment diary, I\’d say he was correct. No one ever claimed Twilight was great literature. And the only thing he said in Berlin was that he didn\’t understand the fascination of the fans with FSOG. Lots of people don\’t understand that fascination, it has nothing to do with being snotty or ungrateful, does it?
Sigh. She said that about fans that randomly jumped her before the movie came out. Also, as the person above me pointed out she was 17. The fact that you\’ve gone to pulling up a poorly thought out interview from seven years ago in an attempt to trash her is ridiculous. Clearly you are a RPattz fan because I can\’t think of another reason for one to be so devoted to trashing the girl. Normal "haters" don\’t do research from seven years ago. Move on and ignore her if it bothers you so much, I\’m sure you have much better things to do in your life than to memorize a very old interview.
eh, it\’s 2015 and not 2008. In 2008 Kstew was 17. people change, especially from 17 to one\’s early 20s. I\’m no fan, but I don\’t get holding a 7 year old article against her which was given when she was 17. Sounds like grew up. Even if it is PR, I prefer it over Rob Pattinson\’s continual dismissal of the series and its psychotic fans (I just read an interview from Berlin where he got a bit snotty about it and 50 Shades). False gratitude is better than trashing a series that made a career
Yep, she called Twilight fans "retarded" in a 2008 video interview with MSN. Stewart said, "…you are really retarded and have nothing to do with this creative process…" Sad she\’s still using that hurtful word.
Hey, @Truthy_1, do you EVER have anything better to do than reside so far up Kristen Stewart\’s a$$? Sadly, it appears you don\’t. She can criticize her character and still be grateful for the movies, Truthy. Which is exactly what she is. She is participating in an initiative with Lionsgate to help women filmmakers — sorry if that seems like a useless cause for your misogynistic self. It\’s not like she called her fans crazy old women who sit behind a computer all day, is it? It\’s refreshing to see someone who is grateful for her career and the movies that made her what she is today. Go crawl back in your hole and stay a pressed troll on twitter, @Truthy_1.
She did kind of hate on Twilight and the fans early on in a like 2008 MTV article, but it\’s been since scrubbed from the face of the planet when he handlers realized what that meant.
Of course she "feels good" about it, she made $40 million from it, and it got her another big payday in SWATH. Too bad she blew that with her unprofessional affair with her married director and is back to doing low budget indies again. But she\’ll ride that Twilight train as long as she can, by talking it up in self-serving interviews like this. She\’s currently unemployed and looking for work, so it\’s the perfect time to remind producers that she was part of a gravy train. This is why she employs a full time PR team, duh. Too bad you neglected to run the part of the interview where she confirmed that she thought Bella was "retarded," her word. Doesn\’t exactly sound like such a grateful comment, does it? Kind of like she trashed the character and then turns around and says she was happy to do it. That\’s called being a hypocrite, when you say one thing and then contradict yourself in the next sentence. But then, she always seems to want to have things both ways, lol.
I give her credit for not trashing the movies. They may be terrible, but they made her a fortune. I found Jamie Dornan\’s complaining about the 50 shades thing annoying, and it\’s nice to see that some actors realize that movies may be tripe but they should still appreciate it.
Got here via google news and plan to read indiewire regularly now. Appreciate hearing these 2 friends talk in their normal and genuine salty dialect.
KS will eventually get the respect coming to her, just stay tuned. She\’ll also branch out and probably be a boss at what ever she wants, while all the little squeaky haters and trolls fade and wither away in their musty basements.
Awesome interview and photoshoot. I love that Kristen Stewart is proud of her prior work, even as others trash it. She knows what got her to where she is today. Very excited for her upcoming films.
What a great interview! Such a natural and intelligent conversation. Love especially the mutual respect between the two
LOl, Kristen. You\’re great, but these movies are trash.