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Kevin Feige Talks DC Films, Says ‘Captain America 3’ Has “Large Vision” & Won’t Move From Date With ‘Batman v. Superman’

Batman Vs. Superman Ben Affleck BatmanWhile Kevin Feige has enough to talk about when it comes to the forthcoming "Guardians Of The Galaxy," it seems much of his press time of late has been spent explaining what the heck has been going on with "Ant-Man." And then over his shoulder are his rivals at D.C. Comics who coming hard in 2016 with "Batman v. Superman: Dawn Of Justice." But Feige feels no ill toward his fellow purveyors of comic book cinema, and he credits the success they’ve achieved so far.

"I don’t think it is quite far to say DC is finally getting their act together. ‘The Dark Knight‘ movies were rather successful and genre-defining, they altered the genre in big ways. So I think there has always been competition that way. I mean ‘Iron Man‘ was the number one movie of 2008 until ‘The Dark Knight’ came along, and I loved it, frankly. I love that the number 1 and the number 2 movies of that year, and it has happened a number of times since then, being comic-book movies, even if it wasn’t one we made," Feige told Empire.

In short, he respects his rivals, because if they do well, everyone does well. "Here we are now, 14 years since the first Marvel movie I worked on. At that point it had been eight years and for about those eight years people had been asking ‘How much longer gonna last?’ ‘When are people gonna get tired of these movies?’ And my answer always was ‘People only get tired if a whole slew of terrible ones come out’. And it was our job to make sure that doesn’t happen," he said. "If there are other people out there interested in that not happening as well, I’m all for it!"

However, that goodwill only extends so far. Right now, both "Captain America 3" and "Batman v. Superman: Dawn Of Justice" are scheduled for the same day: May 6, 2016. And Feige insists that he won’t blink and move the picture. "…we are doing what we’ve always done, which is sticking to our plan and sticking to our vision for the movies going forward and we have a very large vision that we’re working on for Cap 3 and for all the threes movies and just because another movie plops down onto one of ours doesn’t mean we are going to alter that," he stated. "Maybe we should, but we’re not going to."

And that’s nice and all, but we predict both studios will huff and puff with confidence about the release date, but eventually, one of them will move, because cannibalizing an audience to prove a point doesn’t make sense.

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  1. DC vs. Marvel… normally I'd say Marvel will be the first to blink and shift their film (since Marvel has always been the one to flinch) but Marvel's had the bigger run of success with their film factory of late and DC has done little but waffle back and forth when it comes to getting anything close to organized.

    Then again, neither could blink. Then it'd be up to the legions of "Batfleck? BOO!!" to watch Captain America 3 multiple times to help declare Marvel the winner.


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