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‘The Last Jedi’ Star Kelly Marie Tran Erases Instagram After Months Of Racist And Sexist Comments

The “Star Wars” trolls have struck again.

It appears that after months and months of racist and sexist comments on Instagram, actress Kelly Marie Tran has deleted all her posts and essentially wiped her profile clean. According to Star Wars Facts, the actress scrubbed her Instagram “due to months of harassment she has received for her character Rose in #TheLastJedi.”

While there’s no statement from the actress, it does appear that the social media trolls have made her retreat from the platform, which is a shame. Tran is the first woman of color to have a leading role in the “Star Wars” films, and even though fandom was divided on her ‘Last Jedi’ character, Rose Tico, it seems that there was a concerted effort by trolls to go after the actress based on her race and gender.

And before people try to defend the trolls by saying that attacks were solely based on her character, a quick Twitter search will prove otherwise. There are so many tweets about Tran’s appearance, gender, and race. And the attacks even spilled out onto the Wookieepedia Rose Tico entry, which was altered by so-called “fans” who used the website to post Neo-Nazi propaganda and other racist comments.

What really makes the whole situation deplorable is the fact that “Star Wars: The Last Jedi” marked Tran’s first major role in a feature film. And in the lead-up to ‘Last Jedi,’ it appeared that fans were supportive of her role in the film and were encouraging. However, as the film began to divide the fanbase, these “fans” became toxic a-holes and began their attack.

As Twitter has pointed out, these trolls, who claim to be fans, are the same people that drove George Lucas away from the franchise that he birthed. And Lucas is far from alone in receiving hatred from “fans.” Recently, John Boyega and Daisey Ridley have all been in the crosshairs of the trolls, after ‘The Force Awakens,’ with racist and sexist comments.

It appears that the fandom surrounding one of the greatest franchises ever created has fully made the turn into becoming a cesspool. With each new “Star Wars” film, the conversation inevitably devolves into unnecessary hatred towards actors, filmmakers, and even other fans.

Sadly, Tran isn’t the first to receive this hatred and judging by the Twitter reaction to this news, she’s far from the last. Makes you wonder why anyone would even want to star in these films?

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  1. Some ppl need to get out of their basement more….. so sad to take entertainment so damned seriously… and I’m a bit sports fan saying this.

    As for her character, I had not problems with it at all. I thought she was fine in the movie.

  2. A terrible actress playing a terrible character in a terrible movie. There are always fringe left and right people that do troll crap like that, but don’t try to cover up the fact of how terrible the whole thing was and how unhappy the fans are about it. Not being a die hard fan myself (still a casual fan though), I will simply express my displeasure by not paying to see any of the future disney star wars movies.

    And no, it is not because the worst character in the history of movies happens to be asian. Donnie Yen is one of my Favorite actors and he was great in Rogue one. The “Blame everything on misogyny and racism!” strategy did not work for Ghostbusters, and it isn’t going to work for Disney star wars.

      • The point of the comment is to call out Disney and the Media for highlighting very fringe issues in an effort to excuse their terrible movie and direction as a company. EVERYONE gets trolled online and called hateful things. That doesn’t mean that is the reason the movie was terrible.

        But they feel like if they keep pushing this lame leftist agenda that “The movie was actually great, people just hated it because of RAAAAAYYCISM and MYYYYYSSSOGONY!” that no one will realize what a dumpster fire they are. And it is articles like this (and the many like it) that make their agenda totally transparent. Not gonna work.

        • Oh please. Nowhere does it say in the article anything about the quality of the movie. Nor have I seen it in any other articles about Kelly deleting her posts. The point is that the quality of the movie is irrelevant. Kelly (just like the other actors) do not deserve any kind of harassment. They are not screenwriters or directors. They are simply doing their job. And FYI I thought the last Jedi was trash but she wasn’t even the worst thing about it. If you’re going to direct your hate at someone do it at Rian, not Kelly.

          • I am not directing any hate at anyone. I couldn’t care less whether Disney gets another dollar or not. I can point out what a terrible actor Kelly is without hating her. And I simply stated that I won’t be paying for anymore of the movies, no matter how sjw they do or don’t make them.

            But I will call them out for this whole agenda of highlighting every time some anonymous (probably fake) person online says something ignorant. Anonymous online people could be ANYONE, including crazy agenda driven leftists (Just like all these black people that keep getting caught writing racist things at colleges).

            Now, if someone is harassing her in public at a restaurant or something, then we have a proven serious issue with a known enemy. But this right here is pure leftist agenda.

  3. I didn’t like her character, but I wouldn’t go and write anything on her twitter, its not her fault. I would say I’m a big star wars fan. I didn’t like the last jedi, but that doesn’t mean go be a sexist and racist. The last jedi made me lose interest in the future of the franchise, don’t go out and attack people for it though. If anything send a letter of concern for the future of star wars to Kathleen.

  4. Ah yes, being critical of a lead in a movie is suddenly racist and misogynist when she’s an asian woman. There’s plenty of actors/actresses who get plenty of trolling online yet somehow they survive.

    • It didn’t ‘suddenly’ become this way. Being critical of a lead by saying racist & misogynistic things is, in fact, racist and misogynistic. It’s not complicated. Race & sex/gender have no weight in a critic of a role or a movie. There are legitimate ways to express why you don’t like something. (The actors are wooden, I didn’t like their chemistry, the scene lacked payoff, The writing bothered me, that character is annoying etc etc.)
      However, if you don’t like a character because you don’t like that she’s Asian or a woman or express dislike through slurs & the like – then yeah, racist, misogynistic.
      Trolling is stupid and there isn’t a defence for it whether people can “survive it” or not.

  5. Has NO ONE else heard of the Block button?

    Ah, who am I kidding … being a victim garners more sympathy and attention than being self-assured and stoic.

  6. I’ve seen some of the comments on her instagram which merely bashed the
    character and the movie..There were likely a couple of racist comments,
    but I can’t find them. Methinks this is just more sensationalism by the
    liberals to further divide us by race..UPDATE: I found one (ONLY ONE) comment that referred to (HER CHARACTER) as Ching Chong Wong.


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