So what, Enya was busy? Kate Bush has signed on to add her precious and eccentric, fairy-like voice to the godless, sci-fi fantasy, soon-to-be Mcfranchise film “The Golden Compass” (see our encouraging preview). Bush’s track”Lyra”, named after one of the character’s names (played by the brat Dakota Blue Richards), will play over the film’s closing credits (where children and nerd adults will surely be awed and in near-tears at the awesomeness of it all). The soundtrack to this thing is due December 11 (or Dec 4 depending on who you believe). Bush has previously had songs in featured in the films “Cast Away” and “She’s Having a Baby.”
Let’s remember Kate from another, much better time.
Kate Bush-“Wuthering Height”
Ya I got a comment: what kind of weird cynical post is this?
Have some chocolate and relax. 😉
Heh, one of my favorite comments left on this blog ever. 🙂