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Karl Urban Says If Another ‘Judge Dredd’ Happens It Would Be A Prequel

nullSince the character’s debut in 1977, Judge Dredd has become one of the most popular comic book characters in the UK. Unfortunately, U.S. fans never took quite as adamantly to the Street Judge from Mega-City One. Whether the totalitarian state depicted in the comics alienated American readers, or if the shadow of American characters like Superman and Batman obscured the character, Dredd failed to make a big splash with mainstream U.S. consumers. Although Sylvester Stallone’s “Judge Dredd” opened at number five at the box office in 1995, the film underperformed “Batman Forever” (then in week three) by over $3 million.

Still, the “Dredd” franchise returned to the big screen in 2012, this time with Karl Urban playing the titular enforcer. And the film did even worse. Opening at sixth for its opening weekend, “Dredd” was a spectacular flop. The barely scraped together $35.5 million worldwide (in 3D no less!) over its six week run and now boasts the ignominious record of 65th worst opening since 1982.

But perhaps Dredd is as stubborn as his “Lawgiver” handgun is deadly. Movieweb reports Karl Urban gave Dredd-heads something to salivate over at Chicago Comic-Con when asked about extending the film franchise.

“Why yes, there is a definite possibility,” he said of another ‘Dredd’ movie. “But it is more likely that we will do the origin story with Dredd trekking through the cursed earth to find the first Chief Judge Fargo.”

Urban’s not the only one priming a sequel. In an earlier interview with Empire, when asked about future Dredd project, Dredd creator John Wagner responded, “Well, if you mention the possibility of Judge Death appearing in a sequel, the fans go absolutely ape. The thought of seeing him and his cronies on the street… I’d like that.”

Screenwriter Alex Garland let his excitement slip in response. “I’d like to do that too. I think there would be a way to do it. I think you could do a second film which is all about the city and the law and where it comes from, and Judge Fargo and the pro-democracy terrorists, and Dredd’s struggle with the state that he’s part of.”

Will Dredd blast his way back onto the big screen? With a most recent opening weekend of barely $6 mil, and a total global gross of $35.6 against a $50M budget, we’d be utterly shocked. But stranger things have happened in Hollywood, and perhaps if fans clamor loud enough, Urban’s hints will prove more truth than speculation.

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  1. Let\’s face it, most peoplw didn\’t see Dredd in theaters because of Stallones abysmal performance of J.D. Who in their right mind would have Dredd remove his helmet??
    Another, Dredd movie would probably go better in the theater, because Karl Urban played Dredd the way he SHOULD have been played….NOT how some HELLywood "star" thinks he should be played.

  2. Dread 3d is Bad@$$ there has to be a new one and it must be released in 3d blu ray as well! My picky girlfriend is a fan now too! The movie was well balanced with just enough gore! Thanks for a great 3d movies, enjoyed every minute of it!

  3. Dredd was a brilliant movie. I love the comics and Karl Ubran played Dredd so well. This film brought to life the world of 2000AD. Why don\’t they ask Christopher Nolan who is British to make a Dredd 2 and make 2000AD stand next to Marvel in the world of cinema.

  4. No ones talked about why it underperformed. It wasn\’t just the near total absence of promotion and the bitter taste left behind by the Stallone version. I remember well the constant sniping about it being a raid:redemption ripoff. It was a grossly unfair and incorrect observation made by so many American armchair critics that none of them were prepared to give it a chance. Their minds were made up long before the release, frankly because Dredd isn\’t a member of the American comic hero pantheon.

  5. Dredd was Amazing. Writing, script, special effects, acting, directing, camera work, soundtrack, editing, EVERYTHING. I SAY THIS AS AN INTERNATIONALLY recognized musician, video and audio producer, movie lover.

  6. Saw the film at the cinema several times taking friends with me who didnt fancy the film at all but came away suprised at how good it was, turned out many of them had memories of the stallone version and assumed it was going to be more of that and not the dark and more authentic version this time around. I really do hope this does get the greenlight for a sequel, maybe if those wanting to make it stop looking towards hollywood and start seeking backing in the uk they\’d have a better run at it.

  7. You may go to our Shallow Graves page to check out the actual writeup. We work hard as writers and you should know in this business and to be stealing other people's work. Seriously!

    Please rectify this situation as soon as possible again the name is Jacob Kelley from Shallow Graves Magazine. Thank you.

    Yvette M D'Agostino
    Owner / Editor in Chief
    Shallow Graves Magazine

  8. It would be nice to reference Shallow Graves Magazine for the Dredd comment since we were the ones who asked. I was there. I should know.

    Nick Kelley
    Shallow Graves Magazine

  9. Excuse me who do I contact about this writeup please? Shallow Graves Magazine writer Jacob Kelley spoke with Mr. Urban at Chicago Comic Con and the article went live on September 3rd stating the very same quote you went live with yesterday. Do I smell plagerism. Please correct and give proper credit where it is due. Thank you.

    Yvette M. D'Agostino
    Owner / Editor in Chief
    Shallow Graves Magazine

  10. It's hard to wash the memory of the Stallone flick away. Once I saw Dredd though, it started to fade quickly, just not entirely. So there's that.

    Most people likely wrote off Dredd for similar reasons. Boiling it down to the bare minimum, it is entertaining and effective at delivering said entertainment – something that can't be said for the first time the character tried to take the cinema world by the throat.

    The idea of prequel-izing the redo already is troubling though. The bigger scope it has, the more likely a chance it has at being a Chronicles of Riddick-styled mess.

  11. I saw it on DVD (not 3D) and thought it was pretty good. Actually impressed they did it for $50 million, though I'm sure having it be one location and a run-down building at that really helped. I really liked Karl Urban (i'm a big fan of him anyways since he became McCoy in Star Trek) and certainly wouldn't mind them making another one, but I am not the target audience either. (45 year old that I am.)

  12. I notice the article only points out, multiple times, that the film did poorly at the box office. The good reviews were never mentioned. It's Certified Fresh on Rotten Tomatoes! But in Hollywood box office is all that matters. That's why we have 4 shitty Transformers movies, with more on the way.

  13. I didn't see Dredd 3D in theatre, and I know I missed out. I love the 3D blu ray and hope a new Dredd movie comes out with Urban as the star. Also, bring back Almost Human too 🙂

  14. I think there's demand from fanboys, myself included. And I think that it's appeal is bigger since the release of the blu ray and more people finally seeing the movie and liking it.


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