Columbia pictures has decided that nothing is sacred, and is currently working to remake the classic 1984 “The Karate Kid” as a star vehicle for Will Smith’s bratty son, Jaden Smith.
When Smith realized he couldn’t cast his kid in any of his upcoming movies, he decided to produce and cast his kid in an unholy remake of the classic film, which has been responsible for wrongly convincing many a junior high student that they too can stand up to the karate team in their home town. But apparently being bullied in southern California by blond haired Cobra Kais was not good enough for the spawn of Will Smith, since the film will be set in Beijing along with a few other exotic locales. Even with the change in scenery the film will reportedly still deal with a new-to-town loner who is bullied by the local cool kids, only to take on an eccentric mentor to learn the ancient oriental art of ass kicking.
No matter how much money they spend or locales they travel to, the redo can never trump this gem of a scene, enhanced by Joe Esposito’s “You’re The Best” from the film and the “Karate Kid” soundtrack.
I really love what you did with Smith’s head, it’s too funny. He looks kind of like a sandworm from Beetlejuice.
Thanks, it’s kind of retarded, but it made me laugh.
That is a horrible IDEA!! I love Will Smith and all, but DAM!! The Karte KID!!!! When I was a little girl, I loved the Karate KID and I had a CRUSH on Ralph Macchio.. THey are going to turn this film into chop suey!! That sucks. His son isn’t even old enough.?? What the FUCK is going on in HOLLYWOOOD!!! First Beyonce is trying to play WOnderwoman now, this shit!!! Whatever!!! I think it sucks…thats my two cents….
Put this in a body bag Johnny!