The dreaded “bromance” term has been brought up several times in discussions surrounding Guy Ritchie’s action tentpole, “Sherlock Holmes.”
But even more explicit— much to the chagrin of producer Joel Silver to be sure — are claims from the actors in the film itself, who not so subtly have already suggest the “gay” word in referencing the very-tight relationship between Sherlock Holmes (Robert Downey Jr.) and his trusty sidekick Watson (Jude Law)
‘Sherlock’ star Rachel McAdams has already said the film is, “Kind of the love story, actually. I play supposedly Sherlock’s love interest, but it’s really Watson.”
In that recent interview in USA Today Jude said the homo-erotic overtones, filthy language, and bare-knuckle fighting are “quintessential parts” of the “Sherlock Holmes” film (sounds like quite the rollick indeed). Or at least that’s how a lot of sites are positioning his quotes, and it’s not the first time. Put in “gay” and “Sherlock Holmes” in google and you will get plenty of responses.
In the USA Today article, Law does say, “The friendship between Holmes and Watson is the kind of friendship you can only have with someone of the same sex, a person you adore but who infuriates you.”
This movie is going to be Faabbbulouuus! (sorry for low- brow humor, I am just a sucker for the low hanging fruit….did I just knock another one out the park?)