Friday, March 7, 2025

Got a Tip?

Jordan Vogt-Roberts‏ Calls Out CinemaSins For Take Down Of ‘Kong: Skull Island’

Alrighty, before I get rolling too far into this new drama, I should note a couple of things and provide some tiny context. First, I saw “Kong: Skull Island twice in theaters, which should be an indication of how much I enjoyed Jordan Vogt-Roberts‘ monster movie. Secondly, I am aware we post Honest Trailers on occasion, which does their own nitpicky take down of movies. However, they’re clever, but admittedly the videos play much better when film in question is truly terrible, versus just kind of middling. This is all to lead into CinemaSins which occupies its own territory in the takedown landscape.

READ MORE: Under The Influence: Director Jordan Vogt-Roberts Talks The Inspirations Behind ‘Kong: Skull Island’

The YouTube channel travels down a similar path as Honest Trailers, but to far less amusing effect, and they let the “joke” play out far too long. Where Honest Trailers gets in and out in 4 to 7 minutes maximum, CinemaSins routinely spends 15 to 20 minutes pointing out every little “flaw” in the movie under their microscope. I’m not sure how anyone can enjoy making these, but one person who doesn’t enjoy watching them is Vogt-Roberts.

READ MORE: Jordan Vogt-Roberts Talks Alternate Post-Credits Scene & Opening For ‘Kong: Skull Island’

The filmmaker took to Twitter today after the nearly twenty-minute (seriously, guys) episode on “Kong: Skull Island” landed. Vogt-Roberts doesn’t have anything against someone not liking his film, but the glib and often purely misinformed tone of the video really rubbed him the wrong way. Watching the video, it’s hard not to disagree as CinemaSins seems eager to throw as many shots as possible at ‘Kong’ without actually thinking about what they’re saying.

Here’s Vogt-Roberts’ Twitter thread followed by the video so you can see it for yourself. Just trying making it more than four minutes….

Jordan Vogt-Roberts Says A Low-Budget Indie May Be Next, Talks ‘Metal Gear Solid’ & Video Game Movies

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  1. Cinema Sins is truly joyless. It can be occasionally funny for a truly terrible film (e.g. Batman v Superman), but anything beyond that it is just obnoxious and mean. Don’t let the gnats bother you JVR, Kong Skull Island was very solid in my book.

  2. I mean, the comparison to Trump is absurd. I’m not a huge fan of Cinemasins, but they do have some excellent videos and a lot of their observations are on point. I get it that their style can rub people the wrong way (sometimes their sarcasm is really agressive) but I think Vogt-Roberts (and the writer of this article btw) doesn’t get that these videos are created first and foremost for comedy purposes and are not meant to be serious art criticism.

  3. He seems to be missing the point of these videos to begin with. I doubt any of them are truly sincere, considering CinemaSins creates it’s content for entertainment purposes and poking fun. They even said themselves that they are “assholes” and don’t consider themselves movie critics. The Sin Counter doesn’t even have a measurable value.

  4. How can you make a kingkong movie that is new and were you do not kill him off at the end of the movie and have him in more movies and have him fight with godzilla it would be this great movie for the movies of today to grow up with in this day and age just like it was in 1933 with the people who saw that movie only that movie he was shot to death in the end of the movie

  5. Cinema sins was spot on in my opinion, it was an incredibly dumb, and poorly made film. The worst Kong I’ve ever seen, so much of it made zero sense, and all the little amature editing “tricks” just made it that much more annoying.


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