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Joel Edgerton, Dominic Cooper, Garrett Hedlund & Luke Evans Will Test For ‘Bourne Legacy’ Lead

Shia LaBeouf And Logan Marshall-Green Are Also Names New To The Casting Mix

The field for the next Jason Bourne — well not really, but the next guy who will be-on-the-run in his footsteps is narrowing. About a month ago, a long list of contenders emerged including names both big and small such as Jake Gyllenhaal, Tobey Maguire, Garrett Hedlund, Taylor Kitsch and Kellan Lutz. Director Tony Gilroy was meeting with the actors but now he has decided who will go the next step and audition in front of a camera.

Deadline reports that Joel Edgerton, Dominic Cooper, Garrett Hedlund and Luke Evans will be screen testing for the lead role in the continuation of the series, “The Bourne Legacy,” next month (Logan Marshall-Green who’s already nabbed a role in Ridley Scott‘s “Prometheus” is also a name that comes up in connection with this part). But the site cautions that the choice for the role might come from somebody who doesn’t have to test at all (previous names touted as possibilities like Taylor Kitsch, and Shia LaBeouf, who is a new name in the mix) however, Universal believes in the Bourne brand and that a big name isn’t necessary to topline the picture. Also there may be a couple other names that might test as well (and it should be noted Cooper wasn’t linked in the first batch of names to be mentioned).

We do like the direction the casting is heading, though we’re a little concerned since Hedlund hasn’t quite proven that he has the mettle to topline a tentpole. “Tron: Legacy” was more about the whizz bang FX flying around him that it was about character, which has been a strength to the Bourne franchise so far (yes, in addition to the breathless set pieces). But the other three have been delivering hard as character actors and we could see each of them taking on the role of the quasi-Bourne with ease. We sort of like the idea of Edgerton taking the role if only because we think he could bring a ruggedness to the part the others can’t quite match. But then again, no one really saw Matt Damon as action star until he rocked his shit in “The Bourne Identity” so we’re ready to be surprised again. We’ve also been hearing that a lot of the bigger names in the mix, LaBeouf, Gyllenhaal, etc. are the names the studio have foisted on Gilroy, so don’t expect them to likely get the part. The folks that are testing are definitely more of the speed of what Gilroy is looking for and apparently there’s been a few heated discussions about casting so far.

Anyway, a decision will be made soon as production will get underway later this year. “The Bourne Legacy” will hit on August 3, 2012.

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  1. this is like the first movie that I\’ve heard about Garrett screentesting for recently so I don\’t understand that one person\’s comment about him screentesting for everything..

    obviously I like Hedlund a lot but I\’m not sure if he\’s right for this part either. However I don\’t think it\’s fair to judge him mainly on tron:legacy since he really wasn\’t given much to work with there. His character basically had one-liners the entire time.

  2. Hayden Christensen

    Hayden Christensen needs this, he needs a break from Darth Vadar, plus Hayden Christensen is a terrific actor.


  3. I\’m skeptical with some of the names. If this could be the start of another series, why would they consider guys near Damon\’s age, it doesn\’t make sense from a lead standpoint.

    And RJ is an example of people talking trash w/out knowing the facts first. Hedlund who is known to be choosy with roles and according to RJ doesn\’t \’land anything\’ was handpicked by Francis Ford Coppola and Walter Salles to star in an iconic American classic. He was also wanted for Captain America which he turned down as well as other blockbuster films (which he was right to turn down as they proved to be on questionable quality).

  4. I hope it goes to Hedlund so he can suck in yet another never should\’ve been revived franchise and then maybe Hollywood will stop putting him on the short list for every action film. He\’s turning into the male Blake Lively in how he screen tests for everything, but doesn\’t seem able to land anything.

  5. So you want to comment about Garrett Hedlund and you\’ve only seen him in Tron Legacy? Dude, make some research please, you bloggers are embarassing because of the total lack of information about what you\’re talking. Better luck next time and try to improve.

  6. Joel Edgerton has been pretty much the right choice all along. I think Anthony Mackie would also be great but it appears as they are going in the white direction.

  7. Garrett Hedlund is going to shock the hell out of everyone with his performance in On the Road and then all you bloggers who keep doubting him will have to eat your words. Like Stelios said, stop using Tron Legacy as your only barometer of his acting abilities and do a little research.

    It\’s easy to jump on a bandwagon and claim he\’s not going to do a good job or say he\’s just being hyped like he\’s the next Sam Worthington, but seriously, just look at the reviews for Country Strong – across the board praise for his performance. And then go see On the Road when that comes out – he\’s been preparing for that role for three years and so far one still has been released and that one picture has more fearlessness and power in it than anything I can think of.

  8. When has Taylor Kitsch proved his acting? He\’s in a Battleship movie and Wolverine for Christ\’s sake. Shia LaBeouf doesn\’t want it. He has enough franchises going.
    Matt Damon shouldn\’t be gung ho in giving this sucker up. He\’s not profitable outside of this series. The Adjustment Bureau is a clunker.

  9. I can\’t spell a damn. I meant to say that the character Sam Flynn was saved by a girl I don\’t know how many times in the movie… and that certainly doesn\’t help to like or sympathize with the character from a male lead standpoint.

  10. I wasn\’t a fan of Hedlund when the Captain America casting debate started but then I watched him in Friday Night Lights and playing a mean mofo in Death Sentence. The kid can act.

    Tron Legay wasn\’t what anyone expected so judging him solely in that role is lame. From what I read, filming in the suit was a nightmare (if actors weren\’t able to sit properly, imagine tryinig to move in it?)

    Then, Hedlund got stuck with a character that was underdeveloped (C\’mon he ends up being a girl how many times? and had some $hitty lines to deliver. He was kick a$$ in the actions sequenes.

    Plus, the fact that Marvel continues to want him considered for some of their lead roles is pretty damn significant, they don\’t go for stickfigures.

  11. You mentioned that Hedlund concerned you a little because he hasn\’t proven his acting with Tron Legacy, & I agree to a point there, because it was all visuals, had minimal dialog, & had a lot of stunt work. However, go check out Death Sentence from \’07 with Kevin Bacon, & watch his portrayal of Billy Darley, a thug with a tortured past & come back here & say that again. Plus, he really showed his acting abilities in Country Strong, while it may not have been a critic\’s darling, it did show his talent in acting, not just singing. I think the other 3 actors are good too, but Hedlund is a whole lot better than you think.


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