If you’re not familiar with the bittersweet pop tunes of Swedish singer/songwriter Jens Lekman this is probably as good an introduction as any (but really, you should do yourself a favor and go pick up “Night Falls Over Kortedala” right now).
Anyway, Lekman recently played a show at L.A.’s Mondrian Hotel where he unveiled a brand new song titled “Waiting for Kirsten.” The tune is classic Lekman, with the tunesmith recounting his failed attempts and missed opportunities to meet Dunst when she was in Gothenburg last summer filming Lars Von Trier‘s “Melancholia” (how apropos) at the same time as Jens was playing the Way Out West Festival. Alas, their stars never aligned, and as he found out later, Dunst was turned away at the door from a club Lekman was hanging out in. He laments, “In Gothenburg we don’t have VIP lines/ In Gothenburg we don’t care who you are/ The VIP lines aren’t to clubs/ but to health care, apartments, and jobs.” We feel you Jens….like that time Rachel McAdams was in a bar across town….if only we had just hopped in a cab….
It’s a sweet little number, and definitely worth a couple of minutes over your morning coffee. Check it out below. [Pitchfork/Secretly Canadian]
Cute song! That \”VIP lines\” bit was quite funny!