Friday, March 7, 2025

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Jennifer Lawrence Says David O. Russell Is Writing A Movie Where She’ll Play Robert De Niro’s Mother

We’ll soon be living in a time when directors will have the ability to manipulate an actor’s performance in post-production. Disney Research Zurich and the University of Surrey have come up with up FaceDirector, which allows filmmakers to alter the facial expression of an actor, utilizing all the takes from a particular shot to perfect the moment. This is really just a long winded way of saying, don’t be too shocked by this next bit of news.

Doing the rounds for “Joy,” Jennifer Lawrence reveals that her bestie director David O. Russell is already cooking up a new movie for her, but one with a little twist. “David is making something right now and the plan, so far, is for me to play Bob De Niro’s mother … I think that the more people give him crap about me being too young for his parts, he’s like, ‘Oh yeah, watch this’ — so we’ll see,” she told “Live! With Kelly And Michael” (via The Guardian).

READ MORE: The 5 Best Performances By Jennifer Lawrence (So Far…)

Now, it should be mentioned that Russell flirts with digital effects in “Joy,” in a small sequence where VFX are used to make De Niro look younger, ‘Benjamin Button’ style. However, taking the leap to write a movie for an actor who will have to play older, is something else.

There’s no word on what the project actually is, but maybe it’s that 600-page family opus he was recently talking about. That would seem like a good fit for the technology.

For now, you can see Lawrence and Russell’s latest, “Joy,” on Christmas Day.

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  1. Hollywood\’s ok with aging younger actresses to look older, so why can\’t they do that for older actresses who are not even that old and make them younger? Like Maggie Gyllenhaal who was told she was too young (at 37) to play opposite a 53 year old.) And by the way, Jennifer, I wouldn\’t be too self-pleased or cocky about the fact that DOR keeps giving you roles that are written to be older women…you\’re losing more and more fans because of that. Enjoy it while it lasts, because as you recognized yourself, your moment won\’t last forever. I\’m looking forward to a newcomer like Daisy Ridley or Brie Larson throwing you off your little throne.

  2. Thanks a lot, David O. Russell for continuing to put this twit in your movies when there are other experienced, talented, famous and deserving actresses of appropriate age who could play any one of the roles you keep giving to this self-absorbed bimbo. Losing respect for you and no longer care to see your movies because of it.

  3. this has been done for years now, Anthony Hopkins had wrinkles removed in a Hannibal movie,,,but im getting tired of the combo of Lawrence, Deniro and O\’Russell

  4. Seems more likely that she\’s playing a young woman in the 1930s or 1940s who has a son that grows up to be played by DeNiro in the present day.

  5. "We\’ll soon be living in a time when directors will have the ability to manipulate an actor\’s performance in post-production."

    Isn\’t this a major part of post production already?


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