Not even the critical and commercial drubbing of "Men, Women & Children" can stop Jason Reitman. He’s currently filming the Hulu series "Casual," and on deck he’s got a heist movie based on the Texas Monthly article "I Only Rob Banks For My Family" penned by Skip Hollandsworth ("Bernie"), with a script from Nick Hornby ("About A Boy," "Fever Pitch," "High Fidelity") penning the script. And now he’s really mixing it up.
READ MORE: Jason Reitman Will Produce And Direct TV Series ‘Casual’ At Hulu.
Variety reports that Reitman will write and directed "Beekle" for DreamWorks Animation. It’s based on Dan Santat‘s award-winning “The Adventures of Beekle: The Unimaginary Friend," which follows an imaginary friend who journeys to find his child companion. Here’s the book synopsis:
No word yet on when we can expect this one, but it seems the wheels are just starting to turn, so it could be a while yet. Still, it’s an interesting direction for Reitman and one that could be creatively invigorating, so it’s definitely a project to keep an eye on.
I thought that was Zach Braff.
Millenial Night Shyamalan