It was 60 years ago when "Godzilla" first wobbled onto Japanese movie screens, made history, and became a global brand that continued with this year’s Hollywood remake/reboot directed by Gareth Edwards. While that wasn’t the first attempt to popularize the monster for American audiences, in Japan, Godzilla was part of the cinematic fabric. From 1954 onwards, Toho Studios released 28 films in the franchise, calling it a day with 2004’s "Godzilla: Final Wars." But of course, brands like this are made to last, and the creature will rise again.
The studio announced they are launching a new "Godzilla" movie, with a planned release date of 2016. Perhaps they want some of the $520 million worldwide pie they saw the new "Godzilla" earn. And things are moving fast, with plans to shoot this next summer, even though they are starting pretty much from scratch right now with no cast, crew, budget, or story. Yet, they are undeterred. “Toho’s Godzilla has become a globally recognized character and our mission is to continue further increasing its value and drive excitement of those who have supported the monster character," Toho said in a statement.
With Warner Bros.‘ "Godzilla 2" not due until June 8, 2018, this gives Toho the jump on the next monster movie. So until then, you have plenty of time to explore the catalog of Godzilla flicks, but we’ve got a handy guide right here: Ranked: The Top 10 Greatest ‘Godzilla’ Movies. [Screen Daily]
I\’m not sure how I feel about this. It\’ll have to be leagues better than the 1998 film, but I really enjoyed Garetj Edwards\’ version; it stuck true to the GodIzilla character and have us a stoic Aaron Taylor-Johnson who had to go against his indifference to his surroundings and actually do something. You don\’t see that kind of character development in the Toho movies, and as much as I love Godzilla, I\’m afraid audiences are too sophisticated for the ol\’ smash\’em, mash\’em, bash\’em monster movie with cardboard characters.