Man, it’s been the sloooowest news days out there in forever.
It’s so boring out there, that people (including us) have to make note of James Gandolfini being cast of the mayor of New York in the remake of the classic 1974 crime caper, “The Taking of Pelham One Two Three.” Now we could be wrong, cause we haven’t seen that film in ages, but doesn’t the mayor have the tiniest role in that film? Slow news day indeed.
Oh, everybody will also note that Mr. Soprano did voicework on “Where The Wild Things Are,” but what people should note is how bad this movie is going to suck. Why? For one, John Travolta of all wretched actors is starring in the role once held by the amazing Robert Shaw (Quint in “Jaws) “and the director is the godawful over-stylist Tony Scott (see the worst film of this decade – “Domino“). Yeah, yeah, he once directed, “True Romance,” and once used to do great work on spy thriller films (“Crimson Tide”), get over that, he’s been utter dogshit since “Enemy Of The State.”
And yes, Denzel Washington is starring in Walter Matthau’s role, but Washington’s also been in many of the garbage Scott films, it’s not going to help (see the godawful, “Deja Vu“).
We’re not just hatin’ today for the fun of it. If this blog had been in existence for years, it would be littered with contemptuous Tony Scott posts. Well, remember it as it was: a certifiable classic.
Watch: “The Taking of Pelham One Two Three” original trailer
do you guys even like movies? why not write about something you like?
Uh, you clearly miss our love for the original Pelham. Yeah, we love movies. A lot more than you if you think a Tony Scott film remake here is something to let slide.
OK. I like movies and I like you blog, it’s just it seems like you write about stuff you don’t like more than you write about the stuff you do like. And I liked ‘Deja Vu’.
If you’re looking for a movie blog or site that is completely sycophantic and dicksuckingly parasitic, look around the internet, there’s tons of fansboys out there. I try and maintain a healthy sense of humor and use some basic critical faculties. It’s not for everyone I’m sure. But I do it for free by myself and it’s my blog, so why should I answer to anyone, but me and inalienable right to amuse myself?
I should right that on every post because it’s basically my raison d’etre.
And I though it was all an act. You guys really are ‘misanthropes’. It’s a cool blog anyway. I’ll be back for more of your tongue in cheek adulation and bitter contempt for film, regardless. Blog on.