James Cameron may have no problem licensing the action-figure rights to his long-awaited, “Avatar” film to toy company Mattel, but when it comes to his trailers, look out.
The notoriously fastidious and methodical film director has apparently already seen and rejected eight different trailers for “Avatar.” None of them have earned the difficult-to-achieve Cameron seal of approval so he’s been forced to make his own (poor guy, it’s hard to find good help these days).
Apparently clips of the film — which follows an ex-marine (Sam Worthington) as he is thrust unwillingly into an effort to settle and exploit an exotic planet rich in bio-diversity, who eventually crosses over to lead the indigenous race in a battle for survival — might be shown at 2009 ShoWest, which will be held from March 30 to April 2 in Las Vegas. [Ace Showbiz via Vulture]
The Big Picture and a few other blogs suggest this story is totally untrue or probably false. Whatever, it was just funny at the time, we have no stake in “Avatar” or James Cameron films generally (though hey, if it’s as good as “Aliens,” we’ll be there with bells on).
Worthington has been rumored to step in for Christian Bale in a third Batman film, but we assume these reports are total BS and aren’t worth linking to or reporting in earnest.
What a man.
This is great news, seriously.
Who is this Sam Worthington, and why is he all the sudden in what will be the two biggest films of the year? Does anyone know if Avatar was shot before or after Terminator? I can picture Cameron giving him shit about being associated with it, but then why hire him for your film then.