Wednesday, March 26, 2025

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Jack White’s ‘It Might Get Loud’ Single Hits; Jimmy Page Says DVD Will Contain More Music

Last week we reported that David Guggenheim — director of the upcoming rock doc, “It Might Get Loud” — had coerced Jack White into writing a new song (“Fly Farm Blues”) for the film and then releasing it as a single, presumably so he could get some extra promotional mileage from music blogs obsessed with every fart White blows any which way (or something like that). Not a bad idea. The doc, as you’ve probably heard by now, also features U2’s The Edge and Led Zeppelin’s Jimmy Page.

Anywho, that song has leaked, been released, what have you, and yes, it’s the same song featured in the film that he seems to make up on the spot and play.

Rolling Stone
basically confirms as much. “As the story goes, White wrote and recorded the song in all of 10 minutes, with the It Might Get Loud film crew witnessing the song’s entire genesis and completion.” We’re not entirely shocked, it’s not like it’s Mozart. Here’s the song in question.

Meanwhile, Jimmy Page told Billboard that the eventual DVD release will likely include more music from the rock-god summit from where the guitarists jammed and in the end, play a cover of The Band’s classic groove, “The Weight.” “It’s inevitable there’ll be a DVD on the horizon. There’ll be some extra stuff from the summit, that’s obvious. I know there’s another number I did. There was a lot that was played at the summit, that Edge did, I’m sure, and Jack. I’m sure there’ll be a DVD, and I can tell you with a certain confidence there’ll be extras because that’s the way things work these days.”

While we’re not necessarily huge U2 fans or anything (especially these days when they checked out and decided to write the same anthemic blackberry phone ad over and over again), but the most interesting guitarist in the film is certainly the forward-thinking The Edge, whose exploratory use of technology to make new sounds appealed to us most. The watery, angelic, almost Brian Eno-like instrumental he plays here is great. Hopefully that adventurous spirit of discovery is conveyed in this clip from the picture that centers on the Irish axeman. “It Might Get Loud” opens in New York and L.A. this weekend.

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  1. I would have rather watched Jimmy and Jack hang out, talk music, and jam. The Edge is talented but not nearly as interesting as the other two. I thought about fast forwarding through most of his stuff.

  2. I agree with the other commenters… the edge's skill level as well as his over computorized sounds where about as intresting as watching paint dry. jack however displays his immense skill, as does jimmy page; it is those two who truly shine in this documentary. personally, i felt that the egde simply didn't have anywhere near the amount of skill as the other two men (plus his name is way too fucking pretentious)

  3. Boring traditionalists. The Edge is the only one doing something fwd-thinking here that we haven't seen before. To say he's not talented is ridiculous. And this is someone who's not a huge U2 fan, either.

    Blue clearly everyone is this thread is a simple old rock head.

  4. The Edge was forward thinking, up until about fifteen years ago, but he's been treading water ever since. Yeah, he's talented, but he too is boring. I think all three of guys are major snores and I can think of tons of other guitarists I'd rather watch jam and talk music.

  5. I also can't disagree with that at all either.

    And yes, the Edge is treading water, but some of the sea squalls he does with his guitar in the movie are still more infinitely interesting that the Page/White blues licks we've heard 10 million times. That's basically why I'm defending the Edge here.

  6. Their is no such thing as 'boring' when your playing the blues!

    Do you think 'the edge' would be 'experimenting' today if the blues weren't so important to the electric guitar?

    Anyone silly enough to criticise a guitarist for playing the purest form of electric guitar really should be smashed over the head by the very instrument that "boring traditionalist" sound comes from!

    Better still become a U2 roadie and pioneer another fascinating sound!

    Respect the blues!

  7. I personally hate Jack. He's completely arrogent and is no where NEAR as good as Jimmy or The Edge. Page is extremely good but doesn't act all Puffed up about it. The Edge is also very talented and his extensive use of tech is proof. Playing with the Delay like he does and the arrangments he does with it makes him what he is. To me, he's alot better then you guys are giving him credit for. But yeah, I HATE Jack. He's soooooo full of himself and not all that talented.

  8. Jack sucks? He was a professional musician for 7 years when he was asked to contribute in a movie about playing the guitar with JIMMYFU*KINGPAGE. He can be as arrogant as he pleases.


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