If Terrence Howard is watching the just-released trailer for “Iron Man 2” he’s probably seething with envy.
Sure, some of it seems, generic, predictable, a little too cocky and what you’d expect from a sequel to this surprisingly good summer tent pole, but we have to admit, the moment that shows Don Cheadle as War Machine (captured above in this still), is pretty fucking cool. Or at least, it tends to bring out the little boy in us (and obviously that’s generally not our thing).
Is “Iron Man 2” which stars Mickey Rourke, Scarlett Johansson, Sam Rockwell, Samuel L. Jackson and Cheadle on top of Robert Downey Jr. and Gwyneth Paltrow from the original film, going to suffer from the “Spider-Man 3” syndrome: i.e., too many villains and characters and not enough story? “Written” by Justin Theroux and Jon Favreu (heavy sketches with lots of improvising) is the script — that wasn’t even finished in the first place, and tended to unnerve actors like Jeff Bridges on ‘IM1‘ — at least in place enough to allow the actors to freestyle on set in the same successful manner?
RDJ definitely looks and sounds like he’s riffing the entire time in the trailer, but hopefully they’re keeping it in check, because the fine balance was exactly what made “Iron Man” not feel tossed off. Either way, we’ll find out soon. “Iron Man 2” hits theaters May 7, 2010. We think this looks… fine, good enough. It’s not dazzling, but it looks fun. All we’re asking for is a semi-intelligible and entertaining work of mainstream pop cinema. We’re not asking the world. You can see the entire thing over at Apple and an embed we’ll surely pop up any second. Ah, here it is.
I'm concerned as well for the excess of characters and a failing script. Personally, I think the casting of Johansson is wrong.
But, at the same time…
"you complete me" is probably not the the most original one-liner to throw in your post-tdk superhero sequel.
Yeah, while i'm sure they think that's cute and funny, I winced.
It's probably an in-joke to the fact Cruise was originally cast in the role. The line "I'm here, get over it" when Rhodie walks into the courtroom (featured in comiccon footage) was another meta gag, commenting on the Terrence Howard thing.
A post-Dark Knight superhero sequel? I hope that doesn't mean it will have an entirely unnecessary scene set in a foreign country or a villain with improbable foresight.
Seriously, Playlist. You think this trailer is "fine, good enough"?!?!? Where the fuck is your pulse?1?!? How do you not laugh and giggle at this trailer? Its just plain fun.
Are you that cynical? Is it that hard to smile at something this mainstream?
Judging by your top picks of the decade and your response to this extremely funny ad, I wonder if you suffer from camera obscurism. A rare disorder that afflicts critics who can only show life for movies with budgets less than $1.55 and an Arby's coupon.
I can't believe people are invoking TDK when the original Iron Man was so clearly not trying to fit in that mould. But yeah, the "you complete me" is pretty terrible.
But Rourke + vague Eastern European accent = barf.
kev, kev, kev: of course the first iron man wasn't trying to be like tdk. would be kind of hard since, oh, i dunno, it came out *before* tdk. however, favreau has stated that batman begins was a major influence on iron man, so . . .
maybe you got confused?
Maybe Favreau is the one who got confused because Iron Man is nothing like Nolan's Batman films. Not in tone, style, substance or anything.
barf? have you seen animal factory? rourke as a wise cracking cross dresser was hilarious. now rourke as an angry russian villian with that vaudeville accent is even funnier.
Well, I'll be sure to take into serious consideration the opinion of a website that gave schmaltzy-garbage 'Miracle at St. Anna' an A when I watch 'Iron Man 2.'