What’s on the minds of everyone in the film world right now? Where in the hell is the teaser trailer for Christopher Nolan’s “Inception,” said to screen in front of “Inglorious Basterds” today. Though some first-hand IMDB reports today say that no “Inception,” trailer appeared at the beginning of their ‘Basterds’ experience, we’ve been hit with two different reactions, one from Playlist contrib Jonathan Helm and one from a compatriot in Canada, and both saw the trailer for Nolan’s latest in front of it. Let’s start with Helm’s experience, straight from Indiana:
“Well, it certainly has more to it than the ‘The Dark Knight’ teaser trailer from last year (since there is actually footage) but it’s prolly the same length (can’t be more than a minute) and does exactly what a teaser should do, and that’s tease (or titillate in this case). Overall, the thing has the dark vibe to it like all of Christopher Nolan’s work, and just seems very adult. Even if it turns out to have a plot like ‘Paycheck’ or some lesser sci fi films, it doesn’t seem like it, similar to how ‘The Dark Knight’ glossed over the fact that it is a comic book film, by taking itself so seriously.
It starts with an affected WB logo, then goes to footage of a dreidel spinning. Shows a closeup of Leonardo DiCaprio (who looks way cooler than he does in “Shutter Island”…more like Ethan Hawke in “Gattacca”) and has words, ‘from Christopher Nolan, director of The Dark Knight.’ It then cuts to footage above a city (very ‘Dark Knight,’ Michael Mann-esque) and then says something about the biggest battle taking place in the mind. Then comes the money shot of the trailer, with Leo DiCaprio fighting another guy in a hallway and they are flying all over the place as if gravity keeps changing directions on them (very ‘Matrix’-esque, but looks quite good; was surprised to see effects shots completed). The soundtrack is really great (it’s ‘TDK’s Hans Zimmer once again), with major bass booming at a very pulsated rate. Then the title comes up and Summer 2010.
It gave me goosebumps anyway, and made up for the big ‘Avatar’ letdown. Chris Nolan is officially a genius now in my opinion.”
Whoa, hold the phone there Jonathan, big words! Clearly someone was impressed though, so we’re looking forward to it.
The report from our pal Eric in Canada is a lot more terse, but it does say a few things Jonathan’s piece doesn’t.
“It looks super suspenseful, and it was highlighted with Dicaprio on a plane having what looked like a clutter of hallucinations with this crazed and action-filled ‘Matrix’ running thing happens.”
Not sure what that last part means, but it’s interesting to hear the word hallucination, as this puppy does take place WITHIN THE MIND! That tagline kinda cracks us up.
Another Playlist contrib simply writes, “It’s very Leo heavy” and it doesn’t appear that any other actors in the film, Ellen Page, Cillian Murphy, Marion Cotillard, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Michael Caine or Tom Hardy are shown. We’re sure the full teaser will be online soon enough and when it is, we’ll probably just add it to this post.
This trailer was the anti-Avatar in that it got me excited for a movie I hadn't been thinking too much about.
It had some freaky visuals and a sense of tone, but didn't give away any of the plot.
Nicely done.
The trailer played in front of last night's midnight screening of 'Basterds' at Arclight in Hollywood. A very cool teaser with an emphasis on the idea that it simply teased the movie rather than show all that much. There were a few chuckles in the theatre at the very beginning as it played directly after the 'Shutter Island' trailer, but then a healthy dose of applause after it was over. The brief fight looked cool and the tone of the teaser suggested something very noir on top a high-concept thriller. Add that to the fact that this is actually an original story/idea for a big event film and this shot up to the film I'm most excited for next summer!
Daniel, how cool was it that QT showed up to introduce the movie? I wasn't expecting that.
Craig – The introduction was great! It really ramped up the energy for that show.
I really dug the movie and thought it played really well. Your thoughts?
There's a link to a low quality bootleg copy of the trailer, but if you want to experience it to it's full effect, I'd wait for the real thing. Still you can hear the soundtrack which is used, and I noticed it contained that low constant buzzing that The Dark Knight had which creates that constant sense of unease. I wonder if this is actual score from the movie, but it seems very very early for that, doesn't it? If not, what's it from? Either way, it's terrific.
taken down already!
Daniel, it was more deliberate than I expected it to be, but I loved it.
Is it just me, or is DiCaprio done up to look a bit like Nolan himself?
Saw the trailer last night. im super excited to see this movie, easily my most anticipated of next year. not too much footage, but what they did show was pretty mind blowing. cannot wait.
Inception trailer HD 1080p (direct download) http://hotfile.com/dl/10804499/9cd295f/inception.trailer.hd.1080p.mov
I'm dying to see this movie! I'm a big fan of "Following" which was just rereleased. This movie definitely deserves the rerelease and the new trailer (on FEARnet.com) is awesome. Nolan knows how to create truly, psychologically twisted movies.