When Neill Blomkamp revealed that his "Alien" movie was on hold due to Ridley Scott‘s "Alien: Paradise Lost," it seemed like that was hardly the whole story. One got the feeling that it wasn’t going to be anytime soon that Blomkamp would be able to realize his vision, and it’s probably not a coincidence that he recently signed up to write and direct another Fox sci-fi movie, "The Gone World." And indeed, Scott has come right out and said it — he doesn’t want anybody else to touch his baby.
“I’m trying to keep this for myself. I let the other one [‘Alien’] get away from me – I shouldn’t have… I’m trying to re-resurrect the beast and let if off the hook for a while because I’m coming back into the back-end of ‘Alien 1.’ I’m gradually getting to ‘Alien 1,’ " the director told IGN.
Of course, he’s referring to the original run of "Alien" movies that saw James Cameron, David Fincher, and Jean-Pierre Jeunet direct sequels to increasingly diminishing returns, and that’s not to mention the spinoffs involving Predator. So unlike George Lucas who took the money for "Star Wars" and went home, Scott wants to keep a firm hand on how the future plays out for the films.
He once again reiterated that there will be a few more sequels until the world of "Prometheus" connects directly with "Alien," but this has been the plan from day one. As Damon Lindelof recently revealed, the original script by Jon Spaihts for "Prometheus," titled "Alien Zero," had a direct link to "Alien." However, Lindelof changed that notion when he came aboard.
But the bottom line is, from here on out, don’t expect any other filmmakers to touch the xenomorphs of Scott’s franchise. For better, for worse? Let us know what you think below. Production on "Alien: Paradise Lost" begins in February.
AGREE!… the one and only Ridley.
Prometheus was a steaming pile of missed potential. I have absolutely no interest in Prometheus 2 but I\’d buy a ticket for Blomkamp\’s Alien 5 right now.
Prometheus was a complete disaster, probably partly due to the studio demanding there be a sequel. If Scott can\’t make a decent Alien film then he needs to let it go to someone who can. Alien was great, Aliens (without Scott) was acceptable, everything after was garbage, including Prometheus. Scott- let someone who understood why Alien worked so well make another film. Don\’t try to make a film for today\’s idiot comic book crowd who need to see people flying across the screen and nonsensical plot points too stupid for a 12 year old to think logical.
Prometheus showed that Ridleys Scott best times are long over. That movie was even worse than Alien Resurrection. Now the small hope of a quality future Alien movie is gone …
"Of course, he\’s referring to the original run of "Alien" movies that saw James Cameron, David Fincher, and Jean-Pierre Jeunet direct sequels to increasingly diminishing returns"
Can\’t agree with this one. "Aliens" (Alien II) went a logical and vastly different direction. While "Alien" was more of a traditional suspense-horror flick, "Aliens" was an action-horror flick. And while I loved the original, I did think "Aliens" was a more well-rounded (more character, humor, twists and juxtaposition) and perfectly integrated the original story.
Call it heresy, but I felt that Aliens was a step up, not "diminishing returns". Cameron really knocked it out of the park from all angles. The cruft that followed? Oh, yeah. There was a precipitous drop-off after that.
@HEISENBURG totally disagree district 9 was a great film and chappie was very entertaining as well!!
Honestly ? I was really excited about Blomkamp\’s vision! Prometheus was visually stunning but the story was weak…Alien and Aliens were the best films and had great vision and story which I believe Blomkamp was going to bring as well….we will see with this next film. Regardless Blomksmp\’s vision is gone
LMAO, comparing Lucas and Ridley Scott is ridiculous. Scott made Alien and then had no involvement in any of the other movies until he made the sort of sequel Prometheus over 30 years later. Lucas made all 6 Star Wars movies and oversaw multiple TV shows and Lucasfilm had a myriad of comics, video games and other extended universe stuff for over 35 years. Lucas put in more than three decades of continual work on the Star Wars universe while Scott abandoned Alien for more than 30 years and only recently came back to it. Scott immediately went home….unlike Lucas who dedicated three and a half decades to Star Wars. Trying to paint Lucas as some sort of sellout who "took the money and went home" is one of the most absurd thing I\’ve ever heard. Lucas retired from Star Wars and it was a well-deserved retirement after 35+ years of work.
He should learn to delegate. Alien would have been in good hands with Blomkamp.
I got to District 9 late, was really busy in the the summer of 09 and wasn\’t really able to get out much to the movies. Well I finally got to seeing it about a month and change after it was in theaters. After the movie was finished the guy closest to me turned and said, "Did you enjoy that?" "No, not really I said" He shook his head and walked out. Every Blomkamp film has be a repetition of that experience. Did you enjoy that? "No, not really" Blomkamp\’s aesthetic is missing something, he has nice ideas about technology, and VFX but he doesn\’t ever seem to have a handle on his stories. I really don\’t think he hasn\’t made a single great film. D9 was way overhyped and everything else has been a very steady slide since then.
"Of course, he\’s referring to the original run of "Alien" movies that saw James Cameron, David Fincher, and Jean-Pierre Jeunet direct sequels to increasingly diminishing returns"
I can understand the other sequels but aliens was pretty awesome. Also a little peeved that there will be no more alien movies until he can milk Prometheus for all it\’s worth.
Good to see Ridley Scott get the job over Neill Blomkamp. District 9 was very enjoyable, but Elysium and Chappie were good concepts but not well executed. He\’s just not to the standard as a Duncan Jones or JJ Abrams, and definitely not Ridley Scott- who spawned the entire series.
Go Ridley!
Prometheus was awful. Let it be. The franchise is done.
prometheus is a realy bad movie he should had control over that one too forgetable movie now alien 1 and 2 are awesome
The "Alien" series has been a generally solid performer, but is not a particularly exceptional earner given the cost and brand awareness. Given how muddled the brand became as a result of "Prometheus", they can\’t count on the goodwill audiences afforded the last picture. Sticking "Alien" in the title of the next picture, even though Scott says it doesn\’t connect to the original series, seems like a bit of a sleazy marketing move designed to trick wary audiences back into theaters again. It would appear that we are back to diminishing returns.
Heisenberg, I couldn\’t agree with you more!
Blomkamp\’s movies are fine, definitely his own style which I was not looking forward to in the Alien franchise. Very interested in seeing what Scott does with the franchise, Prometheus was under it\’s potential in my mind.
well to be honest Blomkamp already made a good film, a great film i would say. which is District 9, a regular one (Elysium) and a terrible one chappie. but, yeah, wuth District he proved he can make a really original film. i only that wasn\’t his only reat movie under his belt. like a one hit wonder kind of thing
Denis Villeneuve needs to watch the f**k out.
Totally agree GUSTAVO
"District 9" is a great film. Didn\’t like "Prometheus" at all. Hope Ridley ends up spending his time on better projects like "The Martian."
Blomkamp is overhyped. He has yet to make a genuinely good film.
By the way, he did not say he pulled the plug from Alien V at all. That\’s your liberal interpretation of his words. For whatever reason, you are trying to paint him as an egomaniacal villain. He was obviously referring to the Alien sequels, which he felt he should\’ve made himself. What a dishonest headline and article.
Of course it is for the better. What kind of question is that? Ridley Scott was part of the origin of the thing, and he remains one of the greatest sci-fi directors out there. But I feel sorry for Blomkamp and Alien 5.
Well, I only liked \’Alien\’ and \’Prometheus\’, so I\’m really pleased with this announcement.