Break out the Bengay, because Sylvester Stallone is back with "The Expendables 2" and he's raided the action movie old folks home to dust off Arnold Schwarznegger, Chuck Norris and more to join his pals and young blood Liam Hemsworth in the last brawny flick.
We'd like to tell you what the plot is but we have no idea, though apparently they have to find a safe or something and "find him, track him, kill him" according to Stallone, whose voice becomes more unintelligble with each passing movie. But you can't say he's not delivering what people expect. This looks in every way to be more amped up than its predecessor with what looks like a considerably larger budget. The story will probably be just as idiotic as before, but if you're looking for things to blow up good and big this summer, it looks like this will be the movie to do just that. Just don't expect any brains or any jokes that go beyond Smart cars and referencing catchphrases that are decades old.
Also: guys, no Steven Seagal yet? What gives? "The Expendable 2" serves up the senior discount on August 17th. Watch below. [IGN]
Heres what I say fuck all these stupid kids that weren't even alive when these guys were in there prime people that give this movie a bad comment you are twilight Tweens fags that have no idea what a good movie is I could care less about plot I think it's awsome the sly still keeping it real with how action movies should be find then track them and for u Sean suck it Jason stathmen Rocks if you seen the movie you would no its one of the best scenes in he movie and the best knife scene since desperado so eat a dick I now prounce you a fucking idiot
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Much as it pains me to admit, the lesser Hemsworth is making all the right moves. He's going to be a huge star for decades to come.
The reason why no Segal? Don't u know Van Damme and Segal hate each other. In fact, in the 90s Van Damme challenged Segal to a fight at a party. Wisely Segal didn't accept the challenge.
That "man and knife" line was fucking trash……but I'm still gonna watch it though….
"I now pronounce you man and knife" BWAHAHAHAHAHA.
This looks fucking awful. I'll wait the two years until someone collects all the Van Damme scenes and mashes them up into a 15 minute vid on youtube.
GO!! watch EXPENDABLES 2 trailer it will be number 1 action movie!! Batman don't count it's on a whole other level!! thank u sly for making it rated R not PG-13!! P.s hahahha fuck u chuck th action fans won!!! GO SEE IT AUG 17th
I just wanna say thank u! To sly for putting these great action stars together!!! Finley A great action movie coming with real actors! Some trailers will trick you! The trailer would look great then you go see the movie and it sux! OH NO!! NOT THIS MOVIE!! as a actor and a big movie buff! Just from seeing the trailer This movie is going to be f###ing FANTASIC! It's everything you ever wanted in a great action movie with these guy's..Everything u dreamed of when you were a kid is about to go down aug 17th I'll bet anybody that this movie will be better then the 1st one. Not saying the last one was bad or anything.. I just can tell that this movie is gonna be the best action movie of the summer! Or the years to come. After I seen the trailer I called about 20 ppl and texted about 500 ppl in my contacts. I have to promote this movie! so they can make more! I'm not a crazy fan! I just love movies that's why I'm a actor! It's bcuz of these guy's you have to understand that movies and music suck these days! I think that's why Stallone and the others action stars are starting make movies togerther! bcuz movies suck these days! also they were to busy back then when they were on the top of there game! I can't wait for the fight with sly and vandamme. This will be in the history books for action fans. Im not gonna lie I do wish vandamme was a good guy but I do understand why sly made him a bad guy! u never seen jcvd a bad guy only in his early movies like black egale and no retreat no surrender. bad guy or good guy! It don't matter this MOVIE IS GONNA ROCK!!!! Come c it on aug 17th!!
Well totally worth to watch !!! Not expecting a script in here !!! kick ass kick ass and Chuck Norris – "oNE of the best lines ever said in a movie by an actor if you can remember this one "Sleep Tight Suckers" and then bang .!%$^&* and it surely was said by Chuck who i heard, refused to be on Avengers cuz he would made 'em look too weak 🙂
action, action, one liners and more action hahah this will probably suck ( maybe not so much as the first part ) but i'll be seeing it anyways! 😀 this was actually a funny trailer