The negative press on the reported “extensive reshoots” on the “X-Men Origins: Wolverine” film must have made 20th Century Fox or its star nervous cause Wolvie, Hugh Jackman, has come out of the Vancouver woods to respond.
Jackman wrote in an email to AICN:
“I wanted to reach out and let you know that due to scheduling conflicts with certain cast members and location/weather considerations, we had to wait until now to shoot a couple of scenes. Please rest assured that WOLVERINE will be badass and hopefully meet all of your expectations. I am stoked by the positive response to the teaser, which clearly reflects the tone and scope of the film. If you like that, we’ve got much more in store!”
Hmm, what if we thought it was far less than badass and kinda corny? Even Harry Knowles sounds hopeful, but a little dubious as he alludes to the set problems he’s heard about as well. Btw, this “response” means absolutely nothing and anyone appeased by it is naive as hell. We mean, what does that say at all? Nothing. BTW, “badass” is the worst adjective to describe a film. It’s the lexicon of the inarticulate and basically it’s short form for another meaningless term, it’s “kick-ass” I.e. shit flies around, blows up, people are clobbered, action is awesome! and oh, the story and the drama? Yeah, it’s kinda present too. Both those words generally make us run to the hills and usually confirm we’re going to hate a film.
We personally like Hugh Jackman a lot. He’s a charismatic guy, probably will be much better at the Oscars than most expect, and people don’t give him enough credit as an actor, but from what we’ve seen so far of ‘Wolverine,’ we’re not at all convinced.
He needs to find more movies that challenge him as an actor, like The Fountain seemed to do.
You see the Joaquin Phoenix rapping videos yet? They’re pretty great.
No, dude, please post!
What’re you talking about? I just moved this movie from D+ to A- in my mind because if that kick-ass e-mail!
I keed…
“Corny” is exactly what this seems to be. And I agree films like The Fountain and The Prestige prove that Jackman can act when he’s involved in the right project. Wolverine isn’t it.