Wednesday, September 18, 2024

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Honest Trailer For ‘Ghostbusters 2,’ An Unfunny Sequel That Attempted Cash In On Your Nostalgia For The Original

How soon we forget! This weekend’s “Ghostbusters” continues to be scrutinized for what it represents —ruining childhoods! Destroying a franchise! Hollywood cynicism!— rather than what it is (namely, standard industry operating procedure with respect to rebooting intellectual property, only *gasp* there are women in the lead roles!), and it seems fanboys have conveniently overlooked that “Ghostbusters II” was pretty much doing the same thing in 1989.

READ MORE: Review: Forget The Sexes: Gender Is The Least Of The New ‘Ghostbusters” Concerns

At the time, Dan Aykroyd, Harold Ramis and Ivan Reitman didn’t even want to make a sequel to “Ghostbusters,” but Columbia Pictures, encouraged by the success of the original and the animated series, put the screws to them, and so they acquiesced. The result? It wasn’t very good. Of course, it did well at the box office, but the movie itself didn’t make much sense, as this Honest Trailers points out. Why would New York City suddenly disbelieve the heroes who saved them just five years before about the existence of the paranormal? What happened to the effortlessness of the first movie? Anyway, it goes to show that even the creators of the franchise could muck it up as much as anyone else might have.

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  1. This article is slanted and biased but typical. Ghostbusters 2 was weaker than the first movie but to slam this movie in order to justify this lame reboot is silly.

    • what is with you autismal robots that want everything to somehow be some “objective” 8-10 ranked cell phone review with no dirty opinions or thoughts or feelings whatsoever. You’re going to have to learn how the real world works eventually.

        • “My opinion and deal wit it” says the guy who loses his shit at the hint of anyone going by their personal feelings when describing media, which is insane. Cause apparently you want some scientific objective measurement of how a movie is good by how well it caters to white men and how big the marketing budget was. And every news article to be a word for word copy of a corporate press release from you Favorite Billion Dollar Content(tm) Creators

          and, big surprise, your one of those weirdos who gets really hung up on my username for some reason? Cause there’s a drug reference? and your some 40 year old boring conservative man? or indistinguishable from one online at least?


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