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Hackers Now Reportedly Say Sony Can Release ‘The Interview,’ But With Changes

The InterviewThere was a much simpler, more innocent time a couple of months ago when "The Interview" was just another enjoyably dumb comedy coming down the line from Seth Rogen and James Franco. Now, it’s at the center of a national security maelstrom, media frenzy, and ongoing discussion about how the entertainment industry should handle threats to their art and product, with George Clooney the highest profile name to publicly put his opinion out there. And now, things have taken another twist.

USA Today reports that the hacker group known as Guardians Of Peace issued a message last night, stating that "The Interview" could be released…but only if changes were made. Here is the anonymously posted message: 

This is GOP.
You have suffered through enough threats.
We lift the ban.
The Interview may release now.
But be carful.
September 11 may happen again if you don’t comply with the rules.
Rule #1: no death scene of Kim Jong Un being too happy
Rule #2: do not test us again
Rule #3: if you make anything else, we will be here ready to fight

However, this runs counter to another message reported by CNN, that said it was a "very wise" decision by Sony to pull "The Interview," and then asked for more compliance, under the threat of more sensitive information being released. "Now we want you never let the movie released, distributed or leaked in any form of, for instance, DVD or piracy," the message stated. "And we want everything related to the movie, including its trailers, as well as its full version down from any website hosting them immediately."

The latter statement may explain why clips, trailers and promos for the film have been pulled from Sony’s YouTube page.

As you might surmise, there is a lot conflicting information floating right now about just exactly what’s going on with the hacker group and what Sony’s play moving forward will be regarding "The Interview." But some if it may be cleared up this afternoon during President Obama’s press conference where he’s expected to announce the hack was done by North Korea via computer networks in China.

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  1. I am assuming Sony is going to release the movie now, since they\’ve pretty much abided by all of GOP\’s commands so far (pulling the movie, removing trailers and promotional material).

  2. Sept 11 my ass, these hackers do not have the power to pull anything of that magnitude, they\’re probably some trolls behind a computer screen, C\’mon they got to sony Pictures through South Korea, through someones ID!!! people pay for movies to be released because they cost money, someone paid off that guy to give up his credential or he was too stupid to let that happen, Sony pictures should either get a reliable and competent security team or get out of business, too much hacking starting with the Play Station Network, the U.S. has amazing security systems but Sony does not want to train people in cyber security and does not want to spend the money on cyber security, if they caught they guy who sent the "i love you virus" and he lived in a remote area off the grid, if they want to get someone they just snatch them, I\’m sure this is another one of those stories that they blow out of proportion to divert your attention from more important stuff. what kind of hacker writes emails back with threats, more important what kind of hacker writes back lifting a "ban"… morons, Anonymous is ruthless, these guys are clowns, probably some 14 year old kids writing from grandmas basement.

  3. Wait what is rule #1? The death scene is online and he is not "too happy" when it happens from what we can see. Do they mean "no death scene of Kim Jong Un" or "no scene of Kim Jong Un being too happy"? Seriously? Sony should release it in theaters on Christmas as planned and just call it a day.

  4. Ppl wake up its all bs its a false flag to get a bill passd so goverment can controll the net sayn if they had controll this would never happn watch n see n watch obamaladins press release he even says it

  5. "It is more and more starts to look like PR and hype campaign…"

    I have to assume this is a child speaking who doesn\’t understand that the President of the United States weighed in on it because it\’s a severe matter that merits national attention.

  6. Hmmmm. I\’m curious what the REAL story is here on the hackers latest demand. Can they release the film following the "rules" or are they not permitted to release the film?? I\’m with Mr. Clooney- pandering to these terrorists is a slippery slope.

    I would almost think this was all a publicity stunt by Sony, but now that the President is addressing it, it appears legit.


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