Because of the poor economic dollar, Martin Campbell’s “Green Lantern,” film starring Ryan Reynolds may move its production shoot from Australia to Mexico according to recent reports. Does this mean Sinestro, the villain of the film, could be played by Diego Luna? Kidding, it would be Gael Garcia Bernal, obviously.
Edward James Olmos has been cast in Michel Gondry and Seth Rogen’s “The Green Hornet,” but up until now, no one really knew what his role was. Well, apparently just like Cameron Diaz’s character, he’s a newspaper reporter for the Daily Sentinel which is the fictional local paper in the film, run by Rogen’s father (who’s he played by? Our guess is Tom Wilkinson) “We’re the backbone of the paper,” Olmos told MTV. “Things go awry, and I end up having to try to sustain what’s going on in our lives. And of course the Green Hornet doesn’t make it any easier. I don’t want to give anything away.“
Apparently there was a bomb scare on the set of the film yesterday too. Maybe it was the “Entourage” guys? Christoph Waltz, the break-out star of “Inglourious Basterds,” was recently named the villain of the film after Nicolas Cage walked out to continue his commitment to shitty action films we usually don’t bother with.
Some details about the “Predators” film have leaked. Produced by Robert Rodriguez based on a script he wrote more than a decade ago and directed by Nimród Antal (“Kontroll”), an early look at the script has revealed a cameo written for Arnold Schwarzenegger plus appearances by Predator creatures like hawks and dogs. Whether Arnie actually appears in the film seems doubtful unless they pull some sort of “Terminator Salvation” winky, fake cameo. Casting names should be announced soon.
There’s been already been one “Iron Man 2,” set-visit that Entertainment Tonight has posted now they’ve released yet another, this time focusing on the hideous and leathery-looking Mophead character, sorry, Whiplash who is Mickey Rourke’s villain character in the film. We’re sure we’ll be all jazzed about ‘IM2’ closer to release next May in 2010, but right now it’s a bit of whatever.
I know it's like spitting in the wind because it's an inescapable fact that everyone is going to do it, but have you ever considered just not running horrible ET promo stuff?
I mean, even if it didn't spread across the internet like wildfire, the studios would still plant their product there because they're desperate to reach the deadenders who continue to get their entertainment information from TV, but you might sleep better at night.
I know I would.
eh, we're days late to it, no? it just felt like a good spot to throw it in. Doesn't harm me spiritually.
Fair enough. I shall continue my one-man campaign tilting at ET windmills anyway.