Watching the development of “Ghostbusters 3,” or “the Ghostbusters” reboot, or whatever you want to call it, has been a little bit painful to say the least. The long and short is Bill Murray wanted nothing to do with it (which makes it less interesting by half) and Dan Aykroyd, seemingly the only real champion of the picture, would basically swear every six months or so that it would be shooting in about six months. And it never happened. Sentiment quickly turned into “sure, we’ll believe it when we see it, pal,” and then to make matters worse Harold Ramis passed away.
And then everything radically changed. “Bridesmaids” filmmaker Paul Feig came on board as the director, and it was his intention to make the series with female leads. Bill Murray recently suggested Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, Emma Stone as the leads, and while no actresses are confirmed or even in talks yet, according to THR, the series is indeed getting a major makeover.
Katie Dippold, Feig’s writer on “The Heat,” is coming on board to co-write the screenplay. The trade confirms what we’d heard over the year: Aykroyd’s version followed the original Ghosbusters crew handing down the business to a younger generation of supernatural sleuths. THR says Feig’s female-lead twist “would no longer be connected to the earlier movies but now launch a new series.”
With Murray standing down and Ramis out of the picture, this make sense. Will Aykroyd appear in the project? We assume he’d love to. He has recently been saying he’d love to take a Marvel Cinematic Universe approach to the material (gee, how original….you and everybody else in Hollywood hoping to rub two dimes together). THR also says it’s unclear if this new “Ghostbusters” will be Paul Feig’s next movie, so you could be possibly waiting a few more years if he chooses to do another movie first. Meanwhile, original ‘Ghostbusters’ star Ernie Hudson has his own thoughts.
Be interesting 2 know what u #Ghostbusters fans think of an all girl #gb3? @Deadline news not so welcome, huh?
— Ernie Hudson (@Ernie_Hudson) October 8, 2014
Any real Ghostbusters product has Harold Ramis in it. "Ghostbusters: The Video Game", made in 2009 with all cast members, will be more related to the canon than an all-female version.
I\’m going to punch Paul Feige right in his stupid damn face.