Monday, March 3, 2025

Got a Tip?

Get Your Disaster Porn Fix For The Day: Trailer For ‘2012’ Boners Up Destruction Of Mother Earth

The trailer for “2012,” seemingly a deep fetishization of global disasters and modern apocalypse, replete with slow-motion oceans and gigantic Naval boats washing over the White House (you get the sense that an animators and geeks are erect in collective unison), is simply hilarious.
1. It’s introduced by Roland Emmerich. Why? Who exactly gives a flying fuck? What is this hack (“Independence Day”) Scorsese?
2. It’s CGI-laden up the hilt and will probably make “Avatar” feel handwoven.
3. It stars John Cusak as a man… in the middle of GLOBAL DISASTER (a strange career this one, indie-minded projects under his own aegis that not even the indie community cares about and mega-blockbusters, hmmm, ok).
4. It might make Michael Bay slightly envious
5. It’s a comedy, right?

Give it a whirl, it is so grotesquely over-the-top, you should get some amusing laughs from it. Or you might think, “I need to see this!” and therefore should check your head.

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  1. I call it populist avant cinema, assuming it is 120 minutes of nothing other shit getting destroyed.

    I'll totally see that, or the fan-edit where it is nothing but destruction.

    Also, you fail to note this is the second in his "Year Trilogy," which began with last year's arguably experimental 10,000 B.C. and ends with 2011's '78, which is Emmerich says is a cross between Boogie Nights and Event Horizon.

  2. Man this guy just keeps the disaster movies comin. I was just talkin with my friend about what would a transformers movie look like if Roland Emmerich directed it instead of Michael shitBay. Well we agreed it would be awsome and at least Roland allows his actors to actually ACT and not just run, sweat and yell GO GO GO MOVE MOVE RUN RUN NO NO NO NO.

    Anyways I hear revenge of the fallen isnt that good and it'll probably mean the end for michael bay helming the franchise.

    As for this film, eh I'll just watch Day After Tomorrow again since its basically the same plot, The world gets fucked.


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