Given that Lucasfilm was sold to Disney for $4 billion dollars and the company plans to make a “Star Wars” movie every year for god knows how long, we’re going to be seeing a lot of films set in a galaxy far, far away. Two more “Star Wars” saga films are on the way — Rian Johnson’s Episode VIII” and Colin Trevorrow’s “Episode IX” — and coming in 2018 is Phil Lord and Chris Miller’s still-untitled Young Han Solo movie. From there, a Boba Fett movie is waiting in the wings somewhere (Josh Trank was initially going to direct), there’s also been talk of a Yoda movie, an Obi-Wan Kenobi movie and director Guillermo del Toro even said he’d love to make a “Godfather”-style movie about the Jabba The Hutt clan. And with “Rogue One: A Star Wars Story” about to hit theaters, Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy and the rest of the core story group will spend the early part of 2017 coming up with what’s next beyond the films that have been officially announced so far.
During the ‘Rogue One’ junket this past weekend at Lucasfilm in San Francisco, I asked director Gareth Edwards what other kind of “Star Wars” movie he would want to get made. The ‘Rogue One’ and “Godzilla” filmmaker said he’d love to see an Obi-Wan Kenobi film set on Tattooine in the “wilderness years,” when he was entrusted to watch over Luke Skywalker in exile after the Jedis had been mostly wiped out.
“I would love to see anything with Obi-Wan Kenobi in it,” he told The Playlist in our exclusive interview. “Someone did a really cool illustration online of a half Ewan McGregor, half Alec Guiness; you couldn’t tell the difference. It was like the wilderness years. I just saw that image and I thought, I would love to… that would be interesting. Sort of a samurai movie or something a little bit lonely. Like a very simple one, not an epic battle. Something more lonely and maybe an incident nearly got to a young Luke Skywalker, or who knows…”
Was Edwards planning on making another pitch to Lucasfilm? Could he be gearing up to direct another “Star Wars” movie?
“No,” he said with definitive clarity. “I feel like I’ve won the lottery and as a lottery winner it would be unfair to spend all my money on lottery tickets, so I have to walk away.”
An Obi-Wan Kenobi lost in the wilderness years? Yeah, we’d buy a ticket to see that. Have an idea for a “Star Wars” film you’d like to pitch? Why not try the comments section below.
“Rogue One: A Star Wars” movie opens on December 16th.
Only if obi wan has a sex change will that happen anytime soon
About a year ago I was watching the old KUNG FU TV Series from the
1970s with David Carradine and realised how well it fitted to the story
of our dear Kenobi on Tatooine. The story of a warrior-monk crossing
the wild west desert searching for his half brother while escaping from
the Chinese Empire and bounty hunters. On his way he helps people and
remembers the teachings of his old Master at the Shaolin Temple… I
fancied to write some storylines, trying to “translate” some episodes
plot of the Kung Fu Series into the universe of Star Wars…. I hope you enjoy the result.
It is a dark time for the Jedi. The
remainig who have escaped from the dreaded Orded 66 are being pursued
across the galaxy by the Empire’s sinister agents with the help of
bounty hunters.
Obi-wan Kenobi, hero of the Clone
Wars, has been entrusted by Jedi Master Yoda to take care of Anakin
Skywalker’s offsprig, Luke, the last hope of the Order.
After receiving guidance from Master
Yoda on the planet of Dagobah, Obi-wan returns to Tatooine, where
young Luke is being raised by his uncles. Little does he know that he
is being tracked down by an old foe ….
PILOT EPISODE: “From OB-1 to Ben”
Opening crawl.
Kenobi returns to Tatooine from
Dagobah, as he had been there to receive instructions from Yoda: to
wait for the right moment to train Luke and not to call attention
using his powers. Yoda is reluctant and doubtful about the child.
Bobba Fett has a WANTED poster on the
wall of the Slave-I with the face of Kenobi. Somehow he tracks and
intercepts Kenobi’s ship as he approaches Tatooine. There is a space
battle. Remembering Yoda’s words OB-1 heads opposite the Lars farm.
Kenobi’s ship crashes on the desert
of Tatooine, exactly on the opposite side of the planet from the
Lars farm. The ship is eaten by a Sharlacc and then spitted out.
Bobba inspects the remains of the ship but finds nothing. Fett
informs Vader.
Kenobi hides in the desert. By night
he has nightmares about the last days of the Jedi and how Anakin
fell to the dark side. Their last duel… (Flashbacks to Prequels).
Vader sends a hooded Inquisitor to Tatooine to confirm the death of
Sunrise. Kenobi has to walk through
the desert (he has no ship and no money). As he walks he remembers
his first days at the Jedi temple as a Youngling, and how he met
Master Yoda. “OB-1” was the first clone ever to be admitted at
the temple.
He reaches a Space Port similar to
Mos Eisley. Enters a cantina. There is some racist trouble with an
Ugnaut (pig-like) called “Ben”. Kenobi helps Ben using his
witty wisdom and mind tricks instead of the ligthsaber, getting rid
of the offenders.
Ben and Kenobi leave the cantina just
before Fett arrives. They become friends. Ben advises Kenobi to get
a job if he wants to reach the other side of Tatooine: To work at a
nearby diamond mine ruled by a Hutt who uses humans and other
Ben is accepted at the mine by a
giant Gamorrean foreman, but the Hutt is an oppressive kind of guy
and treats Ugnauts as slaves. While he works, he remembers the first
time he met his mentor Qui-Gon Jinn at the Temple.
There is an accident at the mine, and
intuitively, Kenobi uses the Force to save the life of Ben and other
slaves, avoiding some heavy rocks to fall on them. He is immediately
recognized as a Jedi knight and revered by everyone.
Kenobi remembers lessons with Yoda,
at the Jedi Temple, about being reckless and the value of patience.
At the mine, Kenobi finds a dangerous sign of Tibanna gas
accumulation. Kenobi talks to the Hutt but he refuses to stop. Time
is money.
Finally there is an explosion and
some workers die. At the farm not everyone is happy with Kenobi, one
of the Ugnauts really hates him for not helping them, and denounces
him to the Gamorrean foreman.
Kenobi falls into a trap. He is made
prisoner by the Hutt with the help of Fett. As he is being kept he
remembers teachings at the Temple by Master Dooku (Qui Gon’s mentor)
and how he captured him at Geonosis. He manages to escape and hide.
He is searched by Bobba Fett and some
Gamorreans without success. One by one the Gamorreans fall. Only
Fett survives. Ben, (Kenobi’s friend) is taken and threatened to die
if Kenobi doesn’t give up. Kenobi appears. Prisoner again.
Unexpectedly, the Ugnauts and the
rest of the workers rebel against the Hutt and take the mine. The
Hutt is made prisoner but Fett escapes. Ben thanks Kenobi, the free
Ugnauts feast. By night, while they party, Fett returns, but he is
not alone.
Ben is suddenly killed by a red
lightsaber. “Greetings from Lord Vader”. In front of
Kenobi is the former Jedi, Mace Windu, now turned into a bionic
Inquisitor. His hand and part of his face are now robotic. Terrible
lightsaber fight at sunrise.
Kenobi talks to Mace while they
fight. At the last moment Mace Wimdu recovers his true self.
Suddenly Bobba kills Mace Windu, beheading him with his whip. Kenobi
doesn’t understand. “He killed my father”. Flashback to
“Attack of the Clones”.
Then, Bobba tries to catch Kenobi
alive. There is a fight between them. Kenobi manages to take the
fight inside the mine. Fett fires his blaster and the mine explodes
because of the gas. Bobba thinks that Ben has died in the explosion.
Bobba informs Vader that Kenobi died
and his body disintegrated. Vader is in rage. He wanted him alive.
He urges him to keep on searching the area in case he survived using
his Jedi powers.
Kenobi undertakes his friend. The two
suns at sunset. Obi-wan has died. Now he is Ben, Ben Kenobi. He
leaves and enters the desert again. He has to reach Luke.