In the franchise’s initial heyday in the 1980s, the "Mad Max" series upped the ante each time out when it came to action scenes, not to mention the wild look of the vehicles involved. Even "Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome" —which contains that egregious middle section that feels like "Peter Pan" and crucially doesn’t put Max behind the wheel until the climax— raised the stakes by tossing a huge train in the film’s memorable showdown. Going by the promos we’ve seen so far, "Mad Max: Fury Road" will be going all out with the vehicles, and the designs as such are next level.
Car And Driver has debuted the images for the vehicles in the film. These fortified husks of post-apocalyptic scrap called Interceptor, War Rig and Gigahorse and are made to go fast and maim or kill whoever gets in the way.
Check ’em out below. "Mad Max: Fury Road" arrives on March 15th.