Just after news of the recent “reboot” of the “Predator” series at the hands of Robert Rodriguez, Fox may be toying with the idea of bringing back another big sci-fi franchise long past its prime and sullied by silly Vs films in “Aliens.”
While speaking with IESB.com, Fox co-chairman, Tom Rothman, commented that they may be attempting to bait original “Alien” director Ridley Scott back into the director’s chair for another ‘Aliens’ installment. “There’s been some talk. Ridley Scott, Ridley is right now working on ‘Robin Hood,’ but I think he’s toying with the idea and that would be great for us. I mean, it’s always been a matter of, really, if you can get the originator to do it that would be the greatest thing, so I’ve got my fingers crossed, all of them.”
Rothman is obviously just wishing out loud so who knows if it’ll happen (he’s also been kind of proved as being a big fibber when it came to the whole “Wolverine” leak debacle). Scott also appears to be booked for his next couple of projects, after he wraps his latest film, the “Untitled Robin Hood” project starring Russell Crowe, he is supposed to begin working on either an adaption to Joe Haldeman’s sci-fi novel “The Forever War,” or Aldous Huxley’s “A Brave New World” with Leonardo DiCaprio, but you never know – plans change. Take with a mild grain of salt for now, but, at this point, a prequel might work better than trotting out ol’ Ripley again (Sigourney Weaver is now 59, not exactly “Alien” fighting age), but then again – wasn’t her crew the first humans from Earth to encouter the Aliens? Maybe not, and almost anything’s logic is tweakable in the sci-fi genre.
The “Untitled Robin Hood Adventure” has a tentative release date of May 14th, 2010. [Firstshowing.net via IESB.com]
ah yes, a brave new war – huxley’s little known sequel to his masterpiece
do you want to pay me to edit your blog?
every single movie that ridley scott makes or attaches himself too always sounds extremely cool