In two weeks, we get a new film from Christopher Nolan right in the heart of summer, but there are no superheroes or mindbending spectacles in “Dunkirk.” Instead, the director makes his shortest film since “Following,” a WWII tale that unfolds on land, sea and air and details the harrowing situation facing British and Allied troops as they became surrounded by the enemy. It’s something a bit different from Nolan, but if early reactions are anything to go by, he hasn’t lost his touch.
READ MORE: Listen: Hans Zimmer’s Intense “Supermarine” From The ‘Dunkirk Soundtrack
Screened last week for select press, with full reviews to arrive next week, Warner Bros. gave the thumbs up to social media posts today, and the wave of praise is strong. As always, a more nuanced view will come into focus once reviews roll out next week, but there the main takeaway here is: “Dunkirk” is thrilling, and much of that is owed to Hans Zimmer‘s nailbiting score. Even more, Nolan seems to have pared things back to the bare essentials of the story, and as a result, has created something quite special here.
“Dunkirk” opens on July 21st. See all the reactions below.
Seems like a great movie, just not his best
To my mind “Interstellar” was unjustly lambasted, so this one would just be “staying on form” if it’s indeed all that. I do wonder how the PG-13 mandate fits with the realism being sought, but I guess in the end there’s no need to try to one-up “Pvt. Ryan” in the carnage department.
Nolan has 0 oscars and some fucking Inarritu has 4 of them. The Academy is a joke.