Angelina Jolie Has Filmed Scenes In Both English & Bosnian Language Versions
While it hasn’t been without its share of controversies, filming continues on Angelina Jolie‘s directorial debut, a currently untitled romantic drama, set during the Bosnian War, and following a love story between a Muslim woman and a Serbian man. As you might expect, the film has generated a lot of attention in the region given the subject matter and Jolie recently pulled back the shooting schedule in Bosnia due to political concerns.
Pictures and reports from the set emerged last week suggesting that Jolie’s partner Brad Pitt might be cameoing in the film, alongside a mostly European cast including Zana Marjanović (“Snow“) in the lead role, and Rade Šerbedžija (“Snatch“). However, thanks to a kind tip from a reader, we now have our first official look at the film from a picture that made it’s debut in a Hungarian newspaper over the weekend (you can find a larger version of the picture after the jump). The picture shows Majonovic, who’ll play the Muslim woman, and actor Goran Kostic (“Taken“), who we’ll assume is playing the Serbian man.
Additionally, in an extensive interview with Jolie in Vasarnapi Hirek (via origo filmklub), the director revealed a couple more interesting tidbits about the upcoming film. Firstly, while it was shot in color, Jolie is considering releasing the film in black and white saying, “It’s shot in color but it could transfer to black and white. We haven`t decided that. I can show you… we put a series of pictures together in black and white and it was beautiful. But the important thing is I want to make sure that we make a film for people who just want to go to the movies to watch a love story. To not be put off by anything that seems too heavy. So we want to walk that fine line to make it accessible to everybody because it’s important for as many people to see it.”
And staying true to honoring the people of the region — Jolie has made up the cast mostly of actors from the area instead of going with name stars — she has been shooting the film essentially twice over completing scenes both in English and in a version using the native language of the actors involved. “We actually shot a full version in their native language and we shot a full version in English. We shot two complete films. I was only able to do it because the actors were so fluent in English so they were willing to work hard and do the scenes in two languages,” adding that different territories will have the option of what version they want to hit theaters.
There’s still no word on a release date for the film — Jolie will be heading back to L.A. to edit both versions — we’d imagine it’ll see a release next fall through producer Graham King‘s new distribution arm Film District, with a festival debut at Cannes, Toronto or Venice likely.
(c)2010 GK Films LLC. All rights reserved. Photo Credit: Ken Regan
@Goge I am from Bosnia myself and think this movie could be the beginning of change. The country\’s people are still devastated from all the losses this war brought. Many of them still linger on it. With this movie, I hope that people can begin to accept what happened and move on from it.
@ CHANGE: \” This film makes that country famous. It helps the country\” ?! Well, congratulations! It just proves how much you know about geography.
As for the film, I think there is not much to see. Jolie should have known better than to mess with the painful past and unhealed wounds. It will be a standard simplified Hollywood product made for people who want somebody else to tell them what to think.
I will see it. she is the one who has good heart. she is also talented. This film makes that country famous. It helps the country. we start to think about those people. so, she is not only do her work but also she is bringing that country for us. she is the one who go there. she likes those people.
I don\’t anyone that wants to see this film. She will be fortunate to get a full house at a film festival, that is about all.
Ohh wow this looks great! Could be a major Oscar contender next year
best cinematography just based off that one image, you can tell! lol
certainly, one of the films to watch in 2011.
btw. the name of the actress is Zana Marjanović
great picture. It will be a contender for Cinematography, Art Direction.