Monday, March 3, 2025

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New Trailer & Official Photos Of Michel Gondry’s ‘The Green Hornet’

We’ve seen glimpses, poorly shot set photos here and there, of Michel Gondry’s “The Green Hornet” starring Seth Rogen, but thanks to Yahoo we now have our first two official photos from the film.

Both photos obviously feature Rogen as the Hornet hero and Jay Chou as his sidekick, Kato.

“The Green Hornet” was written by Rogen and longtime collaborator Evan Goldberg (they penned “Superbad”) and also co-stars Cameron Diaz, Edward James Olmos, Tom Wilkinson, Tony-Award nominated David Harbour, Edward Furlong, and Christoph Waltz (“Inglourious Basterds”) as the villain.

A trailer is expected later today apparently, so look for an update on this post when it’s live.

Originally scheduled for a December tentpole release, the film is now scheduled to hit theaters on January 14th after undergoing a 3D conversion (natch). Some rumors have dogged the production and the 3D-up and release date change didn’t help, but we’re still holding out at least some minor hope. Update: The full trailer debuted on Jimmy Kimmel Live tonight. Here it is and honestly? No wonder this thing was bumped to January it looks… generic to put it generously.

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  1. Wow. Seth Rogen does not even come close to pulling that off. I'm down with a non-traditional super hero, but with his whiny voice and janky teeth, it just feels like he used his earnings from Knocked Up, where he was appropriately cast, to buy himself the starring role, and the movie pays the price. LAME.

  2. I think most trailers make their movie look generic and considering the studio troubles this has had and the apparent lack of faith showed in it, I would think that marketing is probably attempting to make it look as generic as possible in an attempt to appeal to a wide enough audience to make some of their money back.

    IMO it doesn't look all that generic. Gondry has brought a cool looking visual style, it looks like a flat out superhero comedy and they seem to have abandoned the all to often attempt at realism in this genre.

  3. I don't know how Michel Gondry can make an uninteresting movie. I wonder what went on behind the scenes.

    I thought this movie would either be amazing, or a disaster, but it is just meh.

  4. This movie looks so generic than the "blowing up the traffic camera" bit was done before in "Johnny English".

    This will end as another lifeless bomb or will compete with Jonah Hex for worst major release of recent times?

  5. Man, you're all a bunch of naysayers. This movie looks awesome, remember the fight scenes in Pineapple Express? now imagine them directed by Gondry but add in all that amazing superhero shit like the black beauty! A superhero movie that isn't looking to be the next Dark Knight sounds pretty O.K. with me. Stop trying to sound so frickin cool all the time, grow some cojones, and admit when all that shit was blowing up the little kid in you was going "CCCCOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLL!!!"

  6. I'll reserve judgement for the movie, but I expected at least a little of Gondry's flourishes in this trailer. This does look generic, like an average 90's action flick.

    And, isn't Kato the sidekick? This makes it look like the Green Hornet is the comic relief sidekick. If Kato alreadly has all these gadgets, why does he need the Green Hornet? They should just call the movie Kato: The Adventure Begins.


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