Monday, March 3, 2025

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The Essentials: Lauren Bacall’s Best Performances

Lauren BacallWith the passing of Lauren Bacall at age 89 yesterday, the “they don’t make stars like that anymore”-style tributes came flooding in. But with all due respect to those sentiments, to us it seems they didn’t ever make stars like Bacall. Anomalous even in her starlet days, Bacall’s appeal was based on an allure that had as much to do with an attitude as any thespian talent. In fact, compare her early roles to later roles and it seems fair to suggest that acting technique and range were things Bacall acquired over time (and she was clearly a very quick study); what she walked onto that first set with, was unalloyed charisma.

She was beautiful, certainly, but among many pretty faces that would flit across the screen and never be seen again, Bacall’s steady gaze, her graceful but slightly self-conscious style of performance early on placed her immediately apart from the crowd. In such a revealing industry, one expecting emotional and often physical nakedness from its actresses, Bacall had an almost masculine reserve, a sense that you could never really get to the bottom of her mystery. And a sense that she was always looking back out at you from behind eyes that were animated by a private intelligence that missed absolutely nothing. Bacall was sexy in an unmistakable but utterly non-bimbo-ish way. Bacall was cool.

The story of her early career is as famous for its off-screen components as her work onscreen. You probably know that she fell in love with and married Humphrey Bogart, a process you can see beginning onscreen in her first film “To Have and Have Not.” And she famously placed a whistle engraved with the words “If you need anything, just whistle” into his coffin when he died —a callback to the charged exchange their characters share in that film. And most cineastes will recognize the husky purr of her voice and associate it with “the Look,” that unblinking, sly gaze up from under her eyelashes. It’s almost coy, but too insolent and unwavering for that. But “the Look” was engineered too, a conscious effort to quell the nerves that showed worst in her quivering jaw by dropping her chin and forcing herself to speak slower and lower.

In recent times, Bacall had started to crop up regularly as a fine supporting player, and though there is the frustrating sense that there might still have had one great late-period grande dame lead role in her, it never came. (She herself mentioned how much she’d have liked to to have worked with someone like Pedro Almodovar in a 2000 interview with Mark Cousins–why, ye Gods, did that not happen?) But then again, how like her, and the story of her fascinating life, career and unique persona, that despite warm interviews and chatty autobiographies, Bacall always maintained a deep-buried kernel of unknowability. She left us wanting more.

To Have And To Have Not

To Have and Have Not” (1944)
Howard Hawks’ delicious wartime romantic thriller resembles another  Humphrey Bogart’s films in this genre, “Casablanca,” but it doesn’t hang together quite as well as Michael Curtiz’ classic as a whole. Or maybe it’s just that the spark of individual scenes tends to obliterate memories of the overall plot —something about getting a French resistance leader to Martinique. But you’ll remember Bacall, her famous whistling speech (which is utter nonsense that somehow becomes transcendently sexy and double-entendre-ish simply because of how she delivers it); her palpable chemistry with soon-to-be-husband Bogie; her spectacular tailoring. If you look really hard, you can see the faintest traces of a gawky, non- confidant manner in Bacall’s performance, traces that would vanish in a couple of years, but that here add to the charm of this performance. But you do have to look really hard; where almost every other ingenue ever filmed had a mile-wide streak of bright-eyed naivete to exploit, Bacall came to the screen fully formed as a world-weary, mistrustful wiseguy who just so happens to occupy the body of a supermodel, and whose ironic, cynical defenses are so well-honed as to be unbreachable. Except perhaps by Humphrey Bogart, who can even make the girl wiggle (at 36s in the clip below).

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  1. Mattl, i think Jervaise and the others were just trying to put the appalling lies and hypocrisy of Hollywood into some kind of perspective, and what better place to do that than on a reputable film site like this one ! ! !.

  2. I wonder what the hell is wrong with you people, and whether you're familiar with the concept of tact. There's plenty of beautiful actresses that I'd like to "bugger" too, but I don't go to the comments section of reputable film sites to discuss it and pontificate on whether they do anal. I am fairly certain that there are numerous discussions of this sort on sites dedicated to that sort of thing, where you would find plenty of like-minded individuals who would be interested in your thoughts. Since you chose to post here instead of there, I have to consider you "trolls" and presume that you did so with the specific intent to offend people and dehumanize a great actress by reducing her to a sex object. Even though I generally oppose censorship, I also wonder whether some moderation of the comments on this site might be in order.

  3. Thats true AZ, i wonder if Lauren would`ve done anal on those sites had they (and the internet of course) existed back in the 1940`s ! ?.

  4. I wonder if Humphrey Bogart ever got his knob up Laurens bum during their marriage and relationship or if he had to make do with just penetrating her vaginally ?.

  5. The Shootist is definitely John Wayne's finest moment (and one of Don Siegel's best films) but it definitely wouldn't have been the same without Bacall's presence as the widow Rogers.

  6. Have to say I actually prefer the jazzy vibe of To Have and Have Not to the earnestness of Casablanca. There's a gorgeous moment at the very end where Bacall dances vampishly towards Bogart before collapsing into the giggles of a young girl in love, it's my favourite Bacall moment, and will be forever alive.


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