While Netflix still keeps their viewership numbers secret, their global reach means that even if U.S. audiences shrug at one of their shows, if international streamers dig it, that could be justification enough to keep things going. It’s the only reason I can think of why “Marseilles” has been renewed for season two, or why Netflix has another round of “Marco Polo” on the way.
Certainly, the production on the series about the great explorer is lavish, but that seems to be all it has going for it. At any rate, the second season will find Kublai Khan’s empire expanding, and with that, will be more threats and danger. Also, Pope Gregory X will make an appearance too, played by Gabriel Byrne. Drama, religion, sex, action! It seems “Marco Polo” has a bit of everything.
Starring Lorenzo Richelmy, Benedict Wong, Michelle Yeoh, and Joan Chen, the second season arrives on July 1st.
Not gonna lie, I liked ‘Polo’ for the most part. It’s got extraordinary scope and solid production values, but Season 1 did suffer from strings of speechmaking to move the story along at a glacial pace. Hopefully they’ll tighten up the storytelling and keep the bloviating to a minimum.
Looks like it’s a really big Shoe – Couldn’t get through the trailer. Is it mandatory nowadays that everything have the Insipid, completely out of character with the material “Song” ?