“I think that the [Iggy Pop biopic] project will see the light of day…I’m really excited about it, it just scares the shit out of me,” Elijah Wood recently said. Scared of leading a biopic about an iconic subject who absolutely despises the project, maybe?
Of the project, Iggy Pop has previously remarked: “They can wait for me to be dead. Fuck you, I won’t do your biopic promo,” “Frankly I wish they’d both fuck off and leave their biopics” and “The producers have got big mouths and keep jumping the gun.”
Don’t hold your breath. [Nylon]
I never got the whole Elijah casting choice anyway. Sure he's a music nerd who's bound to do his research, but he looks nothing like Iggy, and while he's a good actor, I doubt he's got the swagger.
Iggy's right. People far too frequently rush to do biopics these days, it's all a trend and it will die.