Normally, we don’t bother with TMZ reports or every little lawsuit in the world, especially ones conveniently filed the week of the film’s release, but a gateway, entry talking point is a gateway entry talking point.
So Chris Rock’s “Good Hair,” documentary hits theaters this weekend in limited release and a new lawsuit has emerged claiming Rock’s doc is a stolen idea. Regina Kimbell evidently claims she showed the comedian her 2005 documentary, “My Nappy Roots,” on the set of his TV series, “Everybody Hates Chris,” in 2007 and this is where he got his idea for the documentary on African-American hairstyles.
Having not seen either (and no one sadly invited us to “Good Hair”), we can’t speak to either, but watching both trailers you can definitely see the similarities (though Rock’s doc looks much more lighthearted and comedic).
We finally watched the trailer to “Good Hair,” this weekend (trailers are always better in theaters), we were struck deeply how the documentary takes African-American hair and seems to use it as a platform to discuss African-American identity, history, culture and self worth.
Some heady concepts that you might not imagine would be in a Chris Rock documentary, but the film actually looks quite sharp and seems to use disarming humor to spark some interesting sociological, anthropological and cultural discourse in it which is a nice surprise. Though “My Nappy Roots” seems to tackle the same subject, but with less smiles on its face. Rip-off? You decide, both trailers are below. “Good Hair,” film opens October 9 in limited release on Friday and then goes wider on October 23.
I always laugh when i hear allegations like this. Yes, it is possible for two people to have the same idea. It happens all the time. Plus, it's not like she owns the rights to making a movie about black people's hair. As long as the actual content wasn't stolen, I think it's possible for two people to make something on the same subject. You don't see Al Gore suing Leo Dicaprio for doing another Global Warming film.
@ anon
i agree.
i think the films have totally diff. styles. their approaches are also different.
next thought: everyone stop showing your stuff to people with more money than you. hahah joking but really if i had done what chris rock did and had a more successful film would i be getting sued?
plus, why would anyone ever want to watch this film without Chris Rock? I could care less about a serious doc on the subject. The only reason I'm along for the ride is because I know Rock will make me laugh. Rock is the whole selling point, not the concept.
agreed…i've got some good song ideas still…i am wondering though…it seems any time somebody has a good idea, it gets stolen…makes me wonder if hollywood hires people to look throughout forums and steal peoples' ideas…very possible