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Derek Cianfrance’s ‘The Light Between Oceans’ Starring Michael Fassbender Gets Labor Day Weekend Release Date

Light Between The OceansWith filming kicking off in the fall of 2014, things have been pretty quiet around "Blue Valentine" and "The Place Beyond The Pines" director Derek Cianfrance‘s "The Light Between Oceans." The picture didn’t pop up as some expected on the festival circuit in 2015, but the official release date for the movie now paints a worrying picture for the movie.

Disney has officially slated the drama to hit theaters on September 2nd. Labor Day weekend is traditionally a dumping ground, and this year is not much different, with the Natalie Dormer horror flick "Patient Zero," and Relativity thriller "Solace," starring Colin Farrell and Anthony Hopkins, set to arrive (though things could change for this picture, which has already been released internationally, given the instability of the studio). Last year, the big wide-release movie for the holiday crowd was "The Transporter Refueled." In 2014, it was the horror "As Above, So Below." The year before that, it was the One Direction movie and the Ethan Hawke thriller "Getaway." You get the drift.

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Disney isn’t averse to summer releases for their dramas. "The Help" debuted on August 10, 2011, and went on earn four Oscar nominations and a win for Octavia Spencer. And though it flopped, "The Odd Life Of Timothy Green" opened on August 15, 2012. However, Labor Day, which is one of the quietest weekends on the box-office calendar, is not a great signal for a movie starring Michael Fassbender, Alicia Vikander, and Rachel Weisz. And while a Venice Film Festival debut is possible, given that it starts on August 31st, the date pretty much rules out ‘Oceans’ from any other fall festival.

Here’s hoping that maybe this is some kind of counter-programming move from Disney, but reading the tea leaves, the signs seem to indicate the studio isn’t so confident about this movie.

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  1. Neither Straight Outta Compton nor Black Mass were released Labor Day weekend, so I don\’t understand your point. And SOC shocked everyone, no one expected it to perform as well as it did, which is why they released it when they did.

  2. People have high hopes for this movie cause it\’s Fassbender and Cianfrance. But shame that unnecessary stuff came along even before the movie had a chance for its own. Rachel was so good in The Lobster, but she always has been, hopefully Cianfrance didn\’t just waste her talent for limited screen time in this one. Frankly, Vikander is the least interesting one here. Her performance in Ex Machina was good, Danish Girl is just average, and Testament of Youth is just like any other period pieces she repeatedly did.

  3. Your assessment seems harsh. First, consider that Straight Outta Compton and Black Mass were released in that window this past year. And second, look at Cianfrance\’s last film: Toronto debut, no purchase, March release date not shooting for 300 or Alice in Wonderland level box office figures. And it was still one of the best films of the year.

  4. I\’m devastated it\’s come to this him resting his laurels on a child actress just shocking he had so much going for him this past year has been watching it go straight down the shoot his dignity his integrity his taste and the way he used to do business with so much more integrity since this chic he\’s just dropped it all and hasn\’t been the same since! Now that too is Shame!

  5. Why didn\’t they go with an Aussie actress and actor for these main parts, its set in such a magnificent country with such a magnificent magnitude of talent, so why this particular actor and actress… I just feel like this whole production has been forced together now forced upon us with the PR moves relationship. I\’m just not convinced of this despite how good the book is, and how extraordinary Fassbender always were. Fact is the debate of the are they or aren\’t they relationship seems to be gathering more momentum and buzz than the actual movie.

  6. The problem with Vikander and obviously reflected from the way her stans talked here, is the blaming game on "oh the people who dislike her must be jealous about Fassbender" or even worst taking KStew. If she was ANY good, no one would even compare her with KStew. How about reading them many reviews carefully and see for real that not EVERYONE likes Vikander\’s every bit of performance. She was indeed great in Ex Machina, but unfortunately not strong enough for other performances. That\’s my opinion, which I\’m sure you could find it similar with many other people. This film sounds solid mainly owe to the attachment of Fassbender, not Cianfrance and definitely not Vikander. And to those who were so sure that Vikander didn\’t need anyone to get where she is, well obviously you never heard about the business run by Weinstein.

  7. I agree, @Liz, KStew fangirls are the worst, and it looks like they blame Vikander for Stewey being snubbed for all the awards this year. They\’re just jealous. If Vikander is using Fassy for publicity, then she\’s doing it wrong. They\’re hardly ever seen together, they don\’t walk the red carpet with each other or gush about the other in interviews. She didn\’t need anyone to get where she is today, and guess what ladies, you never had a chance with Fassy anyway. Stop your insanity and get a life.

  8. Crazy funny thread. This looks like a much better film than Genius. The Vikander haters (because she\’s dating Fassy, and is ambitious) are out in force! I think Fassbender takes on a lot of projects because he loves the work more than the oscar nonsense or the celebrity–seems like a very down-to-earth person.

  9. Damn you people are miserable. The book was pretty solid, Vikander slayed The Danish Girl and Ex Machina, and it\’s Fassbender. Oh, and people like to make money too ya know. Smh

  10. @Derk, Cianfrance is a good director. I think some people are wondering why Fassbender decided to pass on Genius after being attached to the project for almost a year. To Vikander\’s 2 fans, some people have a difference of opinions. It sounds like you guys are living of your own fantasies. There are men and women commenting with their own reasons why they\’re not excited about this film. Calm down.

  11. I still don\’t get how and why Fassbender passed over Genius for this? He\’s crazy talented and as others said he could pull magic and make uninterested film still worth watching. But this is a poor choice, not even at the same level to compare to Weisz\’ Constant Gardener to be deemed as oscar baity. Hopefully Fassbender would be focusing on Assassin\’s Creed towards the end of the year.

  12. Everything Mel said. Be more selective, Weisz and FASSBENDER. Serious acting talents who need to what who they work with. he was a no-frills, brilliant actor but he doesn\’t have to take everything just because he wants to work with the director or (I hope not) if it\’s baity. He needs to watch who he surrounds himself with. He passed over Genius for this. Lets see if it was worth it. Is in the director again? He needs to make sure he\’s selecting something that suits him, gives him a challenge and/or has an interesting director. It wouldn\’t hurt to take breaks between projects as well. Weisz is great in The Lobster but she needs to watch it too.

  13. Woo this thread! I\’m not a fan of Fassbender, but I do like Cianfrance\’s Blue Valentine and have hopes for this one. But I gotta agree with Vikander might be the weak link. Some people in this thread clearly never reads, Danish Girl got equal reviews with notes that Vikander\’s performance was too predictable and thus boring. Getting oscar noms is not a legitimate reason to give credit whatsoever, she has great networks that served her the nom, frauded even (she\’s supposed to be on lead, not supporting). From the way I see it, the Alicia stans here were blindsided, easily offended by assuming those who dislike Alicia were Fassbender\’s jealous stans.

  14. Regardless the gossips linking those two lead actors in this, I don\’t think Vikander have any strong presence, unlike her fellow Swedish Rebecca Ferguson. Vikander was great in Ex Machina, but shame that she carries on that same robotic method to other performances. I think this movie will get interests mainly for Fassbender, still.

  15. +2 Stella and +1 MMS!
    Too right there are folk here not happy about Ms Vikander and Fassbender being a couple and boy does it show. The only poison comes from these halfwits. Not happy their crush has coupled up at last, time they moved on and found a new one to drool over. Light Betwen Oceans was a favorite book for me and with these fine actors in the lead I see the movie doing well regardless of release date. Quality will out 🙂

  16. Sounds to me there\’s a few here not happy about Fassbender being linked (privately) with Ms. Vikander (i.e.: "Vikander\’s fame thirst," and "that Swedish whatever") – envious, even jealous anyone? Vikander is a good actress, no reason not to give her due credit (despite being young and pretty, and dating Fassy). See EX MACHINA for illumination with an unbiased, open mind (if you can).

  17. Jeez, these delusional Fassy stans cropping up AGAIN to write bs about Vikander. Time these losers got a life. Vikander is a fine actress who doesn\’t need any man to promote her and has got where she is by her own efforts. Chances are she will be an Oscar winner this year so will have surpassed Fassbender on that front. Not saying that reflects badly on him, he is a phenomenal actor and follows his own agenda when it comes to choosing roles. The Fassy stans hate this movie as it\’s the one where he and Vikander met and became an item. Who cares if all 15 of them boycott it. The release date? Boyhood was a summer release and scored major award nominations and wins.

  18. isn\’t it obvious, the excitement for this movie and the great Fassbender/Weisz have been awfully hurt by whatever PR games they did for Vikander. Collateral damage at its worst.

  19. What a thread! I\’m always excited about Fassbender\’s next movies, but certainly not this one. Too much sugar coated sell out. Glad to know I\’m not the only one thinking there\’s something seriously off with that Vikander girl..

  20. Hilarious comments! Alicia and her team should have a look and see the real world, this right here… The movie could\’ve been one eclectic pick for Fassbender, but the forced romance behind it, come on Fass should\’ve known better..

  21. It just sounds like no one is in this business for any real parts or acting anymore just to get laid hard to take any of this seriously to be honest!

  22. At least in this story, they still have Fassbender on the title, recognizing the fact that he\’s the lead. But indeed he should\’ve learned hell lots of dignity defense after taking this, pointless time-consuming that got him in the bear hole with that swedish whatever.

  23. Sorry I\’m laughing that they don\’t think it\’s going to go well but has a long shot at Venice.. I think there\’s high hopes for this film as people believe talents like Fassbender and Weisz can pull magic out of their backsides lol .. They needed Aussies starring in this film to even begin to get it up off the ground as great as they are I say hashtag miscast .. I think too that despite how hard Fassbender believes he must work and say yes to every film I hope this teaches the likes of him and Weisz to be more selective in the future and not to sell their self respect and souls for a hashtag long shot ever again! Weisz & Fassbender please collect your dignity at the door as its indeed waiting for you to reclaim it .. Hashtag you are both so much better than this hashtag trailer trash!!!

  24. It is not a great signal not because of Labor Day, but the fact that Vikander has been using the "are they or arent they in relationship" fiasco behind this movie as another effort to push her name in the spotlight. Fassbender and Weisz would definitely get their rave reviews as always. But even sleeping grandpa could smell Vikander\’s fame thirst.


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