Thursday, October 3, 2024

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Del Toro Confirms Hugo Weaving For ‘Hobbit,’ Marcus Nispel On Board ‘Conan’ Reboot, Neil Marshall To Helm ‘Predators’?

Guillermo Del Toro has reportedly confirmed that Hugo Weaving, — plus Andy Serkis and Ian McKellen — will be reprising his roles from the “Lord Of The Rings” series for “The Hobbit.” Serkis and McKellen aren’t really news and have been said to be part of the project for what feels like years now, but people are still making a fuss because there’s traffic to be made from it. We’re still waiting on who will play Bilbo Baggins though rumors about Michael Sheen sound more than good to us cause guy totally looks like a hobbit as it is and also can do that thing called acting. [TheOneRing]

Marcus Nispel (the aggro director behind “Friday The 13th,” “Pathfinder”) has won the race to helm the “Conan The Barbarian” remake which was once set to be directed by the much-loved Brett Ratner. The likes of James McTeigue, Christopher Gans and Neil Marshall were once linked to the project. [CHUD]

Marshall (“The Descent,” “Dog Soldiers”) though is reportedly set to take the helm of the Robert Rodriguez produced “Predators.” Or at least they’re allegedly in talks. Not a bad match. [Bloody Disgusting]

Joss Whedon has revealed that producers on the upcoming “Buffy” franchise reboot did “ultimately reach out” to him. “I think that’s something better left untouched by me,” Whedon replied. Translation: I don’t want my name associated with this garbage. [EW]

Here’s your first look at Ruben Fleischer’s upcoming film “Zombieland,” starring Jesse Eisenberg, Woody Harrelson, Emma Stone and Abigail Breslin. Bill Murray and Amber Heard will also be making cameos as zombies hopefully with substantial parts. More images at the source. [AICN]

Andrew Stanton’s “John Carter Of Mars” is now set to begin shooting this November in Utah. Rumor has it Tom Cruise was considering playing the lead but decided to go with James Mangold’s “Wichita” instead. [/Film]

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