In the wake of “Death On The Nile,” Be Reel peers through its spyglass at that classic sub-sub-genre Nautical Murder Mysteries. Along for the pleasure cruise is Mashable illustrator Bob Al-Greene, who’s currently working on the first-ever graphic novelization of an Agatha Christie mystery. We talk Hercule Poirot, Kenneth Branagh, and distracting CGI before diving into our other nautical murder mysteries: “Dead Calm” (1989) and “Murder Mystery” (2019). Did the skipper do it? Listen below.
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Want a little more context on this week’s titles? “Death On The Nile” marks Branagh’s second turn as iconic, mustachioed sleuth Hercule Poirot. After the surprising financial windfall of 2017’s “Murder On The Orient Express,” Branagh puts back on his Belgian accent and trades trains for boats, with another star-studded (yet difficult) cast including Gal Gadot, Armie Hammer, Annette Bening, Letitia Wright, Russell Brand and more. Then, “Dead Calm” may be well known to Aussie thriller devotees and Billy Zane superfans, but it’s a largely overlooked early entry in the career of Nicole Kidman, Sam Neill, and director Phillip Noyce. To spoil our review … it shouldn’t be! Finally, “Murder Mystery” finds Adam Sandler squarely in that relaxed mode of cashing Netflix’s checks. Paired once again with Jennifer Aniston, Sandler’s half-parody of high-toned, Christie-esque whodunnits teases what two vacationing normies would do amidst a classy yacht murder.
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