Saturday, March 8, 2025

Got a Tip?

Dear Judd Apatow – Leading Roles For Martin Starr, Jay Baruchel & The Rudd?

Dear Judd Apatow,
People that don’t like your films are cynical assholes. Ok, that’s not totally true, we’re starting to like your films slightly less than we used to (“Drillbit Taylor” wasn’t so hot, you probably recognize this).

But in theory, we still love your comedies, heart the concept of dick jokes with heart and adore your post-“Freaks & Geeks” family players troupe that you seem to take with you wheresoever you go.

Which brings us to your lesser, somewhat less-adored Frat-patow members. Rogen, Franco, Segel are great (the Sege is particularly endearing in his goofball, awkwardness), but they’ve had their day and plus: what about the other kids? Jonah Hill is definitely taken care of, you don’t need to give him anymore leading roles. Micheal Cera is a good satellite member, but he’s set no matter what.

So what about people like Martin Starr, Jay Baruchel and the good ol’ trusty standby Paul Rudd?

Yes, Baruchel was the lead in “Undeclared,” a show that wasn’t fantastic, but still enjoyable despite getting cancelled without being given even half a chance. And Martin Starr grew that grotesque beard for “Knocked-Up,” and surely endured those humiliating fur-burger beard jokes even off-screen (we noticed it in his small “Superbad” cameo, you still hadn’t allowed him to shave it). He’s owed for that, no? (and he kinda looked pimp in that movie)

And what about Paul Rudd, if ever there was a utility player comedy actor, it’s the Rudd. An adaptable, malleable player who can seemingly play any field position he’s given he’s that adept. Couldn’t he have starred in your upcoming serious-relationship drama instead of Adam Sandler who’s going to butcher it unless you somehow coax a “Punch Drunk Love” out of him?

Also, hello?? Clark Duke from Clark and Michael? (bring that shit back, yo). If you really truly mean when you said you continually kept casting these kids cause you wanted to keep them working and you loved them and wanted to give them careers, you’ll give ol’ Clark a shot (ok, but prolly not a leading role yet, we understand that, and yes, we did see his “Superbad” cam).

And how about the ladies? More non-cameo work for Carla Gallo and Monica Keena? (We assume the Segel dumping means Cardelllini is off limits).

Think about it.
– Sinceriously,
The Playlist

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