One of the unexpected joys of having “Deadpool 2” debut in theaters soon after “Avengers: Infinity War” has been how the Fox superhero film is using Disney’s ‘Avengers’ marketing against them. Considering Josh Brolin stars in both films, it was an inevitability, honestly. But this latest bit of marketing is actually pretty great.
In a tweet, Ryan Reynolds played off the Russo Brothers’ famous letter to fans asking for a moratorium on spoilers, coining the hashtag “#ThanosDemandsYourSilence.” Of course, when Deadpool takes a swing at the fan letter, you have to imagine it’s going to be a little different.
Right off the bat, you see how Deadpool has scratched out the 20th Century Fox logo and put “TBD,” which is a sly allusion to the ongoing Disney/Fox (and Comcast?) merger drama. The content of the letter is exactly what you might expect from the Merc with a Mouth. Pop culture references, silly puns, bad language, and Ryan Reynolds bashing. Then, at the bottom, instead of the #ThanosDemandsYourSilence, we get #WadeWilsonDemandsYourSisterSorryStupidAutoCorrectSilence. See, you guys, it’s funny! And not at all trying too hard.
Kidding aside, the marketing for “Deadpool 2” has been pretty top notch, but perhaps not as great as the first film. Recently, the film premiered a music video for the soundtrack featuring Celine Dion singing an over-the-top ballad while a high-heel-wearing Deadpool does an interpretive dance around the diva. It’s ridiculous and fun. And also, the most recent trailer seems to have struck a chord with fans, who are coming down off their ‘Infinity War’ high.
All in all, the film opens in about a week and looks to have a monster opening, which isn’t a complete shock. And with news of Reynolds not being interested in a “Deadpool 3,” it might be the last time we see the superhero in his own solo movie for quite some time.
Oh, and keeping with the marketing information, here’s the latest TV spot that tries really hard to convince you that “Deadpool 2” is a family film. Well, it might be, depending on your family: